The Prince's Diaries

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Jon had his tongue between his lips and he focussed on the iron ring fifty feet away from him. He had begged his tutor to practice one more time without burning arrows, but the tutor had refused.

In ten days he would be crowned as King of Westeros. In ten days he would have to be able to shoot that burning arrow through that iron ring to light the ever burning flame of the king.

He couldn't postpone practicing with fire any longer.

"Your footing is off." Sansa all of a sudden appeared next to him and Jon let the burning arrow fly uncontrolled.

Luckily there were two servants tasked with making sure he wouldn't burn the entire garden down and before the flames could do much damage they were already taken care of.

"It's not just my footing." Jon rolled his eyes. "I'm not good with this thing." He reached for another arrow and held the tip in the burning flame next to him. "My hands are trembling." He proved his point but carefully positioned the arrow on the string. "I can't aim." He pulled back and closed one eye. "And my timing is horrible." He let the arrow fly, but once again it came not even anywhere near the iron ring. "I already didn't want to be king. If I had known I had to shoot a burning arrow through an iron ring, I would have stayed in the North, where I belong."

Sansa wrapped her arms around Jon and her soft lips touched his stubbled cheek. "You worry too much, Jon." She spoke softly and before Jon could reach for another arrow she reached for one instead. "Your footing, aim and timing are horrible because you don't believe in yourself." She reached for his bow and he gave it to her without hesitation. She dipped the point of the arrow in the burning flame and smoothly she positioned the arrow, pulled back the string and let it go.

The arrow flew through the iron ring and enflamed the beacon behind it. Of course it did.

Sansa had always been the one destined to be a princess, a queen. She had been the one reading all those books about princes kissing their loved ones awake and dancing with them at expensive balls. She had begged her mother for expensive dresses and a white horses. She had dreamed of finding a dragon egg or dwarves in the woods.

But Sansa wasn't the lost princess of Westeros. Jon was. Jon was the only remaining Targaryen. Jon was the only one who could make sure that nasty people wouldn't claim the throne of the kingdom.

And the worst part? His mother had never bothered to tell him. She had always fed him stories about his father being someone of no importance. She had always assured him that looking for him would only end with disappointment. She had always convinced him that she could be his father and mother at once.

And he had believed her.

Sometimes he wished he never would have found out about all of this. He had been perfectly happy being an ordinary boy, with average grades and a group of amazing friends. He had been perfectly happy with having to work to attend his fencing classes. He had been perfectly happy being invisible.

And then all of a sudden his aunt had shown up. Rambling about the kingdom of Westeros, his father and that she really needed him to come home to claim that crown before someone else would steal it and would burn down everything his father had built.

And he had tried to say no. He had tried to not have anything to do with it.

And then Sansa had called him downright crazy for refusing the position of prince, of king.

And he had started to doubt. And he had agreed to give it a try. And he had fallen in love with the people, with the kingdom, with the legacy of his father and how highly everyone spoke of him. He had wanted to make his father proud. He had wanted his father to look down and see his son, expanding the dream his father had started.

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