Sister and Sister

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Once Upon A Time in the far away Kingdom of Westeros Sansa and Arya Stark lived a life no one should live under the watchful eye of Cersei Lannister, who couldn't care less about any of the children.

Each morning Sansa woke up before the first bird could start singing its song to wake up the sun from its slumber. She heated up the fire in the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the evil witch and her three children. And each morning, when pearls of sweat covered Sansa's forehead and the mother and her three children had finally woken up, she was only met with impossible demands and unthankfulness.

Arya's fate wasn't much better. She was forced to sleep in the stables surround by the smell of horses and the constant fear of bandits breaking in to gather safe passage through the castle. Every time she dared to ask for any food for herself or clean water to drink, she was told that the food and water that was good enough for those noble animals, was already way more than she deserved.

One day, when the eldest son of Cersei was not capable of holding his hands to himself, Sansa decided that she had had enough. Apart from her sister there was nothing of worth she possessed and therefore she sneaked out of the castle in the middle of the night.

Cersei was deeply asleep, unaware that Sansa Stark would have the courage to escape this castle into the wilderness and the woods filled with wild animals and banned humans, and her children were dreaming wonderful dreams of their possible futures.

Sansa woke up her sister in the stables and for a moment they contemplated stealing one or two of the horses. But Sansa was aware of the power Cersei possessed and she knew that Cersei cared more about the horses than them. Without the horses, Cersei might give up her search for the girls eventually. With the horses, Cersei wouldn't rest until those animals had returned to her, whether or not that meant killing the girls.

With nothing but each other they eventually sneaked through the gate, into the darkness and the woods. They walked as fast as their feet could carry them, holding onto each other's hands while they tried to explain every sound they heard.

And when the sun started to rise and the sisters were far away from the castle, Cersei Lannister woke up everyone in the castle with an angry scream. Rage raced through her veins, aware that even her powers wouldn't be able to tell her where exactly Sansa and Arya had gone. She was however determined to stop them from living a happy life neither of them deserved. Quickly she gathered her iron kettle, a sample of fresh water from one of the lakes nearby, strands of hair from all the different animals that roamed the woods, salie to bind all the ingredients together and her spellbook. And within a few sentences she cursed all the water in the entire kingdom of Westeros, to turn the first sister that drinked from it into a wild animal, that would be hunted down by the royal army of the Targaryen king for sports.

Sansa and Arya were unaware of the danger waiting for them and when they woke up from the slumber they had allowed themselves to recover from their nightly escape they searched for the nearest lake or stream to lessen their thirst.

It was Sansa who heard the soft whispers of the water.

"Whoever drinks from me, will turn into a lion."

Quickly Sansa grabbed her sister's shoulder and pulled her away from the cold water. "Don't drink from it, please." She shook her head. "We will find another pool to drink from, I promise."

Arya, consumed by her thirst, reluctantly agreed, and with their hands once more holding on to each other they walked deeper and deeper into the woods. During their walk they didn't say a word to each other. They were both afraid of Cersei's wrath and the dangers that were now surrounding them, but they couldn't go back either. They wouldn't even know the right path leading them back to Cersei's castle. They would even go as far as stating that maybe dying here in the wilderness was much better than being forced to live another day of the miserable life they had left behind.

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