How fairy godmothers work in strange ways

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"Seriously..." Sansa let out a deep sigh while she fell down in the grass next to the pond. "It's my eighteenth birthday. And what do I get? A ball. A stupid golden ball to play with." She threw the ball up and caught it again. "Why does my older brother think I asked for a golden ball? When an almost eighteen year old girl asks for a ball she doesn't mean a stupid golden ball to play with!" She rolled her eyes. "I meant the other kind of ball, the ball where you meet people and where people play different sort of games..." She softened her voice. "Where there are actual people to play with."

"I'd wanna play with you." A bright white wolf all of a sudden jumped in front of Sansa and a high pitched shriek escaped her lips.

She had no idea how he had gotten over the high walls surrounding the caste of Winterfell. Quickly she pushed herself up and she stepped back, her hands in front of her. "Don't come near me, please." She swallowed and looked around to see if there was maybe someone near who could help her. "What do you want from me?"

"I'd wanna play with you." The wolf had a rough, but tender voice and he cocked his head. "You sound kinda lonely." The wolf just stood there while Sansa raised her eyebrows and stared at the golden ball in her hand.

"I turned eighteen. Not twelve!" She raised her voice. "I'm not going to throw that ball away so you can steal it and bring it to your boss." She paused for a short moment and stared straight into the wolf's eyes. "Just because I'm a woman, doesn't mean I'm stupid."

"I never thought you were." The wolf laid down and made himself comfortable. "You don't have to throw that ball if you don't want to. I was just trying to be nice." He licked his paws. "I just wanna help, that's all. But if you don't want my help, fine with me."

Sansa licked her dry lips and she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. After a few minutes, although it could have been hours too, she sat down next to the white wolf. In absolute silence she absentmindedly played with the golden ball Robb had given her. "I wanted a ball. Not this kind of ball, but a dance." Sansa wasn't sure if she talked to the wolf or herself. "I wanted people from all over the North to come over. I wanted a huge orchestra to play my favorite songs. I wanted to dance all night in the arms of handsome young men who would all want me as their wife." She threw the ball up and felt it slip through her fingers when she tried to catch it again.

The ball rolled away from her, out of reach, faster and faster straight towards the pond. With a loud splash it fell into the water.

Sansa tried to get to her feet as quickly as possible, but by the time her hand went into the dirty water to reach for her useless birthday present, the ball had already sunken to the bottom.

It was just a stupid ball. She didn't care about it. She didn't need it. She didn't want it. But she also didn't want to explain to her brother why she came home without it, that it had fallen into the pond, that she had already lost it. "Of course, as if this day wasn't bad enough already." Sansa fell down on her knees. Her dress was covered in mud already, but she couldn't care less about it.

For months she had been looking forward to today. She had counted down. She had really firmly believed that her brother would throw her the ball she had asked for. She had hoped that her loneliness and isolation finally would be over.

"I could get that ball for you." The wolf appeared next to her. "I could dive in, get the ball and bring it back to you before anyone notices it's gone."

Sansa looked up at him and her eyes widened. "You would really want to do that for me?" She curled her lips up into a smile. "Ow please, yes, that would at least not make this day any worse..."

"I will get that ball from you, on a few conditions." The wolf spoke firmly and Sansa's smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

"I thought you were just trying to be nice? I thought you wanted to help me?" Sansa shook her head in disbelief, but the wolf didn't flinch, didn't move, didn't soften.

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