King and Queen in the North

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Jon tensed his shoulders while his youngest sister draped the cloak around his broad shoulders. If it had been up to him, he'd be riding towards the far North right now, without obligations, without pressure, without a heavy crown on his head. But it wasn't just up to him. It was also up to Sansa.

Once he had promised her to go wherever she wanted to go. And this was where she wanted to be. It was also where she belonged.

And he belonged next to her. He belonged with her. And despite the heavy weight of the crown and the pressure he already felt on his shoulders, he knew he would've never forgiven himself if he had fled to the North.

"Ready?" Arya curled her lips up into a smile. She was still shorter than him, but she was no longer the little girl he had once left behind. She had grown up. And she had grown up into a beautiful young woman ready to explore the world.

After the coronation.

"As ready as I can be." He let out a deep sigh. "She'll be an amazing queen. I'll just be standing next to her."

Arya's smile brightened. "I'm happy for you."

Jon forced himself to smile at her. "I never wanted to be King. But she's made to be Queen and if I'm the one who can make her one..." He swallowed. "I just hope this run will be better than the previous one."

"Well..." Arya cocked her head. "As long as you don't travel to the south and deliver the Kingdom on a silver platter to a pretty girl with dragons, I'm sure it will be fine."

Jon bent his head. "I learned my lesson. I'm letting Sansa do the politics."

"Good." Arya nodded at him and she leaned on the tips of her toes to wrap her arms around his neck. "The North needs her, but it needs you too."

"You're the one who saved it by killing the Night King." Jon wrapped his arms around her and lifted her feet from the floor. "You shouldn't leave."

Arya shrugged. "I'm not made to stay in one place too long, but I know the way home. I'll come back. Promise."

The bells started ringing and Jon straightened his back while he rearranged his cloak once more. "Here we go." He stepped into the hallway.

A million candles lighted his path towards the great hall. The hallway was deserted and each and every step echoed loudly in the deafening silence.

But the moment he halted in front of the giant double doors he stopped breathing.

She looked beautiful. She looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her. There was a pretty shimmer in her eyes that had never been there before. And even though for once she was not wearing any complicated braids in her hair, having her hair down like that made her seem older and wiser and more a Daughter of the North than she had ever been.

And then there was the dress she was wearing. It was impossible to see all the details in the weak light, but he smiled when he saw how each part of her, her history and the North's was present.

"San..." He shook his head. "You look amazing." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "You'll be the most amazing Queen the world has ever known."

Sansa bent her head and she tucked a strand of loose red hair behind her ear. "I'm glad you're here with me, Jon."

Jon rolled his eyes. "I really wasn't a good King the last time we tried this. I'm really not sure if this is a good idea."

"Are you planning on giving the North to someone else again?" Sansa raised her eyebrows, a playful smile around her beautiful red lips. "Because up until then you actually did pretty great."

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now