Chapter 1: Late

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Liza's POV ;
I woke up this morning to pressure on my stomach . I open my eyes and see Tommy . My wild three year old in my face . " Good morning mommy" he says as he comes in for a kiss . I kiss them back and he lays beside me "Good morning baby" I says as I hold him . I look to my right and see that David wasn't in bed with me . I then grab my phone to check the time . It's 10:45am . I check my phone and see text messages from the girls in the group .
( the chat)

Gabbie ; Are all of your guys not home to?
Kristen ; Yep , Scotty's somewhere with David and Todd
Corinna ; Dom is somewhere with Alex and Jason I think
Kristen ; any plans for today
Erin ; staying in my feet are killing me
Carly ; same thing
Liza ; I have to take Tommy to swim class at 12
Kristen ; shoot , same with Ella . I had almost forgot .
After texting the girls some more I get up and go check on Hanna Grace . I hear Tommy's little footsteps behind me . As I open her bedroom door I see her head pop up . I walk towards her and she reaches her arm out to me . " Ila" Tommy says as I take her to change her dipper . I apply a new diaper and I put her onesie back on her . I put her down and she runs after Tommy into the other room . I go into the kitchen and start breakfast . I make some eggs and toast . I also cut up some strawberries. " Tommy and Ila it's time for breakfast" I yell and they come running in . I pick up Ila and I set her into her high chair . I did help Tommy up to the stool at the counter . I then hand them their plates and I walk over to the fridge . I grabbed the milk and orange juice . I grabbed Tommy's spider man cup from the covered and poor some juice in it . I then grab Hanna Graces sippy cup and poor milk into it . I hand them their drinks and I poor me some orange juice and then put them up . I sit down beside Tommy and start to eat .

When we get done eating Tommy puts his plate up and I grab min and Ilas . "Mommy?" Tommy asked as he sipped on the rest of his juice " yes hunny ?" I asked as I picked up Ila from her high chair . " Will daddy be at my swim class today ?" He asks " yes he will " I tell him " now go get your swimming trunks on " I add and he runs down the hall and into his room . I take Hanna Grace to her room and I pick her out a outfit . I put her into a baby romper . It's navy blue and a bright yellow . I then grab her grey little shoes and some sock and I put them on . I grab her blue jean jacket that was to big for her and I put it on her . Since she's one she literally had a lot of hair. It's so long it's starting to get in her face . I brush her hair back and I put a blue headband on her that has a pretty yellow and silver flower on it . I then carrying her into Tommy's room . He had on red swimming trunks with a white swim shirt ." Good Job babe !" I say to him and he got happy . I then put Hanna Grace down so she can play with her brother . I go to my room and get dressed . I put on blue jean pants with a grey shirt with a pretty purple necklace . I quickly do my hair and makeup which only took about 15 minutes total . I grab my black and white vans and I check the time . It's 11:34am . I grab my bag and Tommy's swim bag . I grab his shark towel and a chance of clothes . " Come On kiddos " I say as I pick up Hanna Grace . We start walking outside and I buckle the kids up into my car . Then we are on the way to Swim practice .

David's POV ;
Today we are filming stuff for Jason second channel video . Right now it's about 12:30 and we have been here since around 10 . They are doing some type of challenge and it's kinda weird . As we are finishing filming Scotty yells " shit !" Loudly " What man ?" Dom asks " David. Kristen and Liza are going to kill us !" He says as he looks down at his phone . I looked at him confused " We missed Ella and Tommy's swim practice again !" Oh my god . Liza is going to literally kill me . I had Alex the camera and I grab my bad bad my camera . We run out of the front. Door of Jason and Trisha's house and we get into my car ( Scotty road with me ).

Liza's POV ;
I'm literally pissed off . This is Tommy's fifth swim class and David has missed every single one of them ! I record all of them just for the memories and so does Kristen . Its 12:45 and the class is done now . " Mommy ! Miss Winkle is giving me and Tommy a award !" Ella says and she runs over to Kristen . Today I wanted David here so he could see Tommy and Ella both win a award ." To best floaters goes to Ella Sire and Tommy Dobrik !" Everyone claps and they go grab their certificate. " Yay Tommy !" I say as he hands me his certificate. I hand it to Kristen so I can finish drying Tommy off . We walk into the bathrooms and change Ella and Tommy . I put Tommy in some jeans and a black shirt . I help him but on his spider man jacket and I put his wet clothes into I bag I brought . Me and Kristen then leave with the kids and as we are walking out we see Scott and David walking towards us .

David's POV ;
As we walk up to the swim class I see Tommy looking around . " Mom what about Daddy ?" He ask sounding sad " He will be here bud" I tell him and then he runs off to join the class . David better be here . I walk over to Kristen and Isaac sitting down . " Their late " I say as I sit Ila into my lap " Like always" She says back to me
( later on )
I knew they were both mad . I could tell it by the fire in their eyes . " Babe I'm-" I say but she cuts me off " I don't want to hear it" she says as she walks over to her car . Kristen and Scott are walking the other way since Kristen didn't park by Liza " Babe I had forgot " I say as she puts Hanna Grace into her car seat . She then closes the car door and walks to the other side to help Tommy
get in . " Daddy I won a award !" Tommy says as Liza buckled him in " Good job buddy !" I say back with a huge smile . I wonder what award . But before I could ask Liza closed his door and walked to the drivers side . " Liza baby please just talk to me . " I say as she gets into the car and starts it . She rolls her window down . " I guess we'll see you at the house when ever you have time " she says and she drives off . Then behind her I see Kristen driving . I see Scotty and I walk up to him " It didn't go well did it ?" I ask " Not at all " he says . The. We get into my Tesla and I drive him home .

Liza's POV ;
As I had put Hanna Grace down for nap after her and Tommy both had a snack . I hear David walk in .
I look at him and I fold my arms . It was silent " ugh " I said walking off . " no no no wait !" He says and he grabs my arm . I push his arm off of me " What David ?! You literally missed our sons award ceremony and his class today ." I tell her " he wanted you their " I add . " Liza , babe I'm sorry I had forgot ." He tells me " I know it's just a floating award but I'm proud of him . And he's proud of hisself " I add
David comes up to me with a hug " I'm sorry baby . I will make it up to you somehow . And somehow he will.

Total words ; 1420 ( about the story above )
I hoped you guys loved the first chapter . Liza sounded pretty mad. But more chapters coming soon
-Newgirl25_ 💙

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