Chapter 20: 8Years

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November 28 2023

David's POV ;
Everything is back to normal . Liza's back on set for only seven hours . Rachel,Mason and their kids went back to Houston because Mason got the raise so they are moving to Atlanta . Liza's mom Jean is staying with Olivia and Alexis and they are looking for a place here in L.A.

But also today 8years ago today me and Liza had started dating . Wow it's been over eight years since I met her. We had been married for four and a half years . Wow, time goes by fast . We have our three year old son Thomas and almost our two year old daughter Hanna Grace .

Recently Liza has had a lot on her mind. She still hasn't talked to her dad about anything . I don't even think Rachel and Olivia has either . She probably doesn't even know today marks eight years . But I still have something planned .

Liza went to set at 7 this morning . So that means she will be getting off around 1:30 or 2. I went ahead and got the kids dressed . Then got myself dressed . I packed Tommy and Hanna both a bag and I put it into my Tesla . Then I got the kids buckled in and I put Knox in and we headed out .

We soon arrived to Jason and Trisha's place . I then see the house door open and they come out . I smile and wave as I get out of the car " Hey David !" Trisha says as she walks up to me . We soon emerge into a hug "Hey guys " I say to them . I then side hug Jason and then Wyatt and Charley come walking out "Man, you don't have to watch them if Wyatt and Charley are going to be here " I say as I lean against the car "Oh it's fine" Trisha says as Jason turned to see them . "Marney is coming to get them at 9" he says and I nod . I then open the back door to unbuckle Tommy . Trisha went to the other side to get Hanna " Hey pretty girl !" She says as she picks up Hanna . At this point Wyatt and Charley are standing with Jason . After I get Tommy out they get Knox and Jason grabs their bags .
" Okay so how long do we need to watch them for ?" Jason asked as everyone else stood around him . " maybe a day or two , I'll call you " I tell him and he nods " Bye kids !" I say as I hug and kiss them both . I say bye to everyone else and then I head home to get everything ready .

Liza's POV ;
It was now 1:30. I was done on set so I went back to my trailer to get back into my clothes . I grabbed my bad & charger and I headed out . I then walked over to the makeup trailer to say bye to everyone . I said bye to a couple of my costars and then I headed to my car . I got in and started to drive .

I soon pulled up into the driveway . I park and get all my stuff out and I walk inside the house . All the lights were off and it was quiet . Too quiet " Babe ?"
I say as I look around the house . He wasn't in the living room or kitchen . I then head down the hall . He wasn't in the office and the kids rooms were empty . I then see roses leading to the bedroom " oh my god" I whisper to myself . I then walk into our room . I then see David sitting in the chair in our room . The whole room was decorated . I then look on the bed to see chipotle and presents . " Oh my " I say as I cover up my mouth with my right hand . I then look around the entire room and David sets his camera down . " what's all this for ?" I ask " 8 years ago today we had started dating . And since you have been so busy I decided to surprise you " he says " but I didn't get you anything " I tell him " I don't want or need anything " he says as he puts his left hand on my arm " I already have you " he says to me . He then pulls me into a hug . I then feel a tear go down my cheek . " Now what do you want to do first ? Eat or presents?"  He asked " eat " I say and I giggle . We then sit on the bed and start to eat ." Wait what about the kids , where are they ?!" I say panic like " don't worry , Jason and Trisha are watching them " he tells me . I sigh in relief . We continue to eat .

After we ate I opened the present . One of them was a scrapbook . I open the first page to see a picture of us that was took at the party by Gabbie in July of 2015 . " the first night I really met you" it says . I continued to go through the pages . Their was a picture of us at our wedding  plus group pictures of the brides mates and the men . Then it was a picture of our pregnancy test we took when we were pregnant with Tommy , pictures of his gender reveal ,shower and maturity pictures , and when he was born . Their was also a picture of Gabbie signing to be his god mom .
Then their it was all over again of me finding out I was pregnant with Hanna,gender reveal and shower , but no maturity pictures because David was in a coma then .

I didn't realize that I was crying . It was my life with David inside of this book . When I turned the last page their was no more pictures . Just empty pages . I turned and looked at David " Too see what the future hold for us " he says with a smile . I then lean in and kiss him . I moved the presents out of the way and David pulls me in by the waist .

Me and David started kissing . He fell back in the bed to where I was now straddling him . We start making out roughly . Then we flipped me over to where he was now on top . He started to kiss down my neck , to my collarbone , then to my check . The then came back up to my lips . I ran my fingers through the back of his hair . He caressed my cheeks with his hands . I then help him take off his shirt and then he helps me take off mines .

I think we all know what happened next ...
Total words : 1109

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