Chapter 7: Surprise

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October 17 2023
Liza's POV ;
" babe wake up " I hear being whispered into my ear. I open my eyes and see a smiling David " ugh babe what time is it ?" I asked as I pull the overs up some " it's 6:30 am " he tells me as he sides beside me " why are you waking me so early ?" I asked in complete lost " babe it's a surprise " I then see David recording me with his vlog camera " oh my god " I say as I sit up . I couldn't help but giggle " So babe all I need you to do is get up and get ready ." He tells me " um okay " I says trying to hold back the laughter . I smiled widely " David what is it ?" I ask " It's a surprise which means I can't say "  I then get up and walk to the closet " Well can you at least tell me how I should dress ?" I asked before he leave the room " Comfy " he tells me and I nod . I pick out some grey kinda tight joggers and a white shirt . I grab my PINK Victoria secret yellow jacket with "PINK going down the left side in black . I then grab my vans and some socks . I walk over to the bed and put them on . I then got back up and I walked to the bathroom . I put on a little makeup but nothing really on my eyes . I then just put my hair into a bun . I walked out of our bedroom and down the hall " David ?" I called out to " I'm here " he says I then look in Tommy's room and I see him helping Tommy but on his jacket ." Where's Hanna ?" I asked " I put her back in her crib " he tells me . I back out of Tommy's room and I walk over to Hanna's . I look inside her scrub and I see her holding onto her favorite blanket . " Hi girly " I say and I pick her up . She puts on a smile and holds on to me . I then walk out of her room and into the kitchen . I then see David carrying suitcases out to the front door " David we are going somewhere over night ?" I asked " more like over nights " he says with a smirk . I then open the front door for him and we walk out to his Tesla . As he puts some of the bags up I buckle Hanna and Tommy into their car seats . As David got into the car I realized I had left something " hold on " I say as I get out the car and I go back into the house . I go into my room and grab my charger and my makeup bag . But it was gone . I walk back to the car and I get in " did you grab my makeup bag ?" I asked " maybe " he says with a smile . Then we got into the highway to I don't know where .

David's POV ;
I'm really excited to surprise Liza with this . I woke her up early just so she would have enough time to get ready . I then look to my right and see Liza is recording me for Snapchat . " when David has a surprise for you but won't tell you what it is " I laughed quietly and then she turned the camera around so she could get the kids into the snap .

Since it takes about a hour and twenty minutes to get their . As we were thirty minutes into the drive Liza decided to take her a little nap . Time passes and I had already recorded her and the kids sleeping for the vlog . We have about ten minutes until we arrive and I'm very excited. Liza wakes up and looks around at our surroundings " are we their yet ?" She asks as she rubs her eyes " about ten more minutes " I tell her and she smiles.

Soon we are down thee road from it . You can already see the slides out side ."Look David that place looks cool " Liza says pointing at it . She doesn't know yet " I know right that place does look cool " I say . I then which lanes and we are about to turn in . She looks at me with her jaw dropped " Shut up !" She says shocked . Then I filmed the sign " No way for real ?" She says smiling " yeah baby" " Mommy look theirs a slide " Tommy says " I see buddy " she says . We then park the car in front so we can get a thing to carry our bags up . Liza gets out and stretches " I feel like I'm a seven year old kids " she says and I laugh . She carry's Hanna Grace in her arms and I hold Tommy's hand . We walk in and check in and the. We go grab our bags . Liza and the kids waited and I went to go park the car . Then we hoped on a elevator and we went to our room .

Liza's POV ;
When we walked in it was so cool . Their was two king beds and a little wolfs den . I found it so cute and adorable . " wait why are their so many beds ?" I asked looking around . Hanna and Tommy had already walked over to look out the balcony door . " this is the only rooms they had left " David said . Then their was a knock at the door . I turn around and get it " Surprise" I hear being said . I then look and see that it's Scotty and Kristen and the kids "Oh my god !" I say and I hug then . I turn around and look at David . " So maybe these weren't the only rooms left " he says and we all laugh . They some in and out their bags down . Ella and Isaac went into the wolf den with Tommy and Hanna . " Mommy theirs only three beds " I hear Tommy say. " Well Ella you can get the bottom bunk and Tommy has the top ." Kristen says "What about Hanna and Isaac ?" Ella asks . We then look at the other bed hey had in the wolf den " Well they are both small they can share " Kristen says and I laugh a little . " Well it's 8:45 so why don't we all go get breakfast " David says " couldn't agree more " Scott adds . We then head down stairs to the little places they have .

David's POV ;
What the girls don't know is that this surprise isn't quite over . As we sit down at our table after we got our food someone then comes up to Liza and Kristen " Boo!" They say and they both jumped . They turned and looked to see Gabbie and Corinna "Yay !" Liza says as she gets up and hugs them both . Then Dom and Zane walk over while holding Melanie and Nixie in their carriers . " Surprise "  Scott says and we laugh . Then they go get their food and come back and sit with us .

Liza's POV ;
" So is this surprise over ?" I ask " yeah that's it I promise " David says  we all then continue to eat and talk . I help Hanna with some of her food because it could get messy . As we were on the way back to the hotel room we all start Snapchating " Liza " I hear Gabbie say . I turn around with Hanna in my arms and a smile . Then she turned it to Zane and Nixie , then David and dom , then to Corinna and Scotty . We all soon realize that our room is right beside Zane , Gabbie, Dom , Corinna , Nixie and Melanie . " Who's ready to hit the water park ?" Zane yells ." Me !" The kids say and we all laugh . I have to say this is a good surprise from David . It's just what I asked for .
Total words ;1292
More chapter coming soon 💖💖💖

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