Chapter 29; The Truth

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December 28 2023 / 9:00am

Liza's POV ;
It's the next morning and I'm finishing packing . I'm flying out to Houston today with Rachel and Olivia . My mom will be watching William, Benny and Alexis while David is watching Tommy and Hanna . I zipped up my suit case and I pulled it down the hall and towards the front door . I then walked back into my room and grabbed my carryon bag and my phone . I then went to the living room where David was with the kids . " Rachel and Olivia will be here soon " I say as I look down at my phone to check the time . David and the kids walk over to me . " say bye to mommy " David said as he hugged me . Tommy hugged around my legs and Hanna soon did too . When I looked down at her she looked like she was about to cry ." Oh baby " I say as I lean down and pick her up " no need to cry mama will be back soon "I say as I place a kiss on her cheek . I then hear a knock at the door " they are here " I say as I hand Hanna to David . I grab my bags and I open the front door . I then see Olivia with a smile "ready ?" She asked and I nodded . She grabbed one of my bags " Bye David ,Tommy and Hanna Grace " she says with a little wave " bye Auntie Liv " Tommy shouted " I then give them all a final good bye and I walk out to Rachel's car that she rented . After I put the bags in and hopped into the back seat she soon pulled out of the drive way .
We soon arrived at LAX . We got checked in and headed to our gate . First we stopped at Starbucks and grabbed a drink plus a little snack . Then when we arrived to the gate they started to board . We found out seats in the back by that bathrooms . " Here little sis , you can have the window seat " Rachel said " thanks Rach I'm not 10 remember " I say as a joke because when I was ten I got upset because she got the window seat when I wanted t . Olivia sat in the middle and Rachel was by the isle . The flight attendant soon spoke over the intercom and announced we were about to take off
" Houston here we come " Olivia said kinda worried like . I knew she didn't want to find out the truth . Because she knew either was she would be upset about it . Soon the flight took off into the sky

David's POV ;
Since Liza was heading to Houston Gabbie and Zane said the kids can spend the night . Like their new place is huge . Four bedroom with four bathrooms . Theirs the master bed room , Nixies bedroom , the room which Tommy and Hanna share , and the guest bedroom .  They asked if I wanted to spend the night and I said maybe . I packed the kids bags and drove them to Zane's and Gabbie's . I dropped them off and I drove to Jason's place . We done the podcast and a challenge game for his vlog tomorrow . Soon Josh , Dom, Alex,Todd and Scott came over since we promised to do a 'Never have I ever '. Game for Doms channel . " So where is Liza again ?" Toddy asked " she went to Houston with her sisters " I told " I thought they weren't going back ?" Alex asked . All the friends new about what happened between her parents . Liza's mom insisted that they new if like something  happened . " well their dad said that he would tell them the truth . So they went " I replied and the room kinda got silent . Then someone's phone rung and it's was Dom's. We all faced him and he got off the phone ."
It was Corinna . I have to go Melanie ran out of diapers . I never new baby's poop that much " he said and we all laughed " she gets it from her daddy "
Josh says and Dom shot him the bird .

Soon after Dom left I decided to go also. As I pulled up to a red
light I got a text from Gabbie

"David please spend the night . It would be good vlog footage . For real bitch be here in 30 minutes . We are ordering Pizza ! "

I laughed and didn't reply . Tonight I didn't have anything important to do . Liza was in Houston and my kids were at Gabbie's . So I decided what the hell ima have a sleep over with my friends . I drove home packed me a little bag . I grabbed my computer and it's charger , my camera and phone charger . I then walked out the house locking the door behind me and I drove to Gabbie's .

Zane's POV ;
As I was in the living room with Tommy and Hanna Grace I heard the door bell . Hanna's little head popped up and looked at the door . " Gabrielle Jeanette Hijazi the pizzas is he-" I stopped myself when I opened the door and saw that it was no one other then David Dobrik . " sleep over !" He said in a girly tone . He walked in and I closed the door behind him . " Daddy !" I then hear both Tommy and Hanna yell as they run over and hug him ."Damn are they always that attached?" I said jokingly " He's saying that because Nixie loves her mama more then her dada " Gabbie says as she walking into the room . I rolled my eyes and David laughed " That's how Hanna was . She will be a daddy's girl soon " he says as he nudged my arm and I giggled . Then the door bell rung again " and that's the damn pizza " Gabbie says and she went to answer the door . She cane back with two boxes of pizzas . " I'll make the plates " I say as I grab some plates " David , Hanna doesn't eat pepperoni right ?" Gabbie's asked and he nods . She then gets a small piece of cheese pizza and sets it on a plate . David then gets Hanna and Tommy a Sippy cup and pours some juice into t . We all then go into the living room and just all . Gabbie does a intro for her vlog and she starts to record what we walk about . David then records some . Nothing but the basic things .

Soon Tommy , Hanna and Nixie were put to sleep and us adults went into the living room to talk . " Have you talked to Liza ?" Gabbie asked David " no , I think I should give her some space so her and her sisters can talk things out with their dad " he replied and I nodded . " Oh yeah and I have like a deal with the company for us to go tour the Warner bros studio set . We can go do that when Liza gets back " I say " yeah . She been talking about how she wants to " he said " great! We can plan it soon ." Gabbie adds . For a while we watched some movies and then we headed to bed .

Liza's POV ;
When we landed in Houston we first went to our hotel room . Then my dad texted us to meet him at a little cafe in the city . When we arrived their he was sitting at a table for four . We used to sit at a table of five . When we sat down we didn't say anything . " Hi girls " he says kinda quietly " Hey dad " Liv spoke up . I didn't know what to say at all . Like I didn't want to be all nice towards him but I didn't wanna be rude either . " so dad what do you have to tell us ?" Rachel asked . He then sighed and looked down . " The truth is . I cheated on your mother with a woman named Tracey around the time Olivia was one . " his head was down . He couldn't face us at all . " That's it ? Mom already told us that " Olivia said
" no that's not it " he said . I saw Rachel's eyebrows raise . It was silent for a couple of seconds until he said
" I also have kids with her "
Total words :1352

Kinda a cliff hanger ....

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