Chapter 3: Mini surprise

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October 12 2023
Liza's POV ;
This morning I woke up around 10am . I didn't see David beside me so I assumed he already left to go to Jason's or something . I get up and I walk down the hall to Hanna Graces room . She was wide awake just laying their . "Hi Girly " I say as I picked her up . I lifted her up to see if she smelled , which she didn't .

I then go into Tommy's room and I see that he isn't their . I look in his play tepee and he's not their either . I then walk down the hall and into the kitchen and I see David and Tommy . Tommy is helping David cook . " Mommy !" He yells and David turns around " Hey babe " he says with a huge grin on his face." Um hey " I say as I walk over to them . David gives me a kiss on my lips ." Hello baby girl " David says as he kisses Hanna Grace , which made her laugh . David them grabs her out of my arms and he puts her into her high chair . I then see that he is cooking omelet

Soon he brings us our plates to the table . He first cut up Hanna Graces so she wouldn't choke or anything . And I cut up Tommy's . I was shocked because David never cooks breakfast. Like he's never really here in the mornings.

David's POV ;
When we got done eating I helped Liza put the dishes into the dish washer . As she began to walk off I grabbed her arm and I pulled her into a hug . We were now meeting eye to eye . Her eye were so pretty , I then leaned in for a kiss . She kisses back and we soon pull away .
" What was that for ?" She asked with a little smile . She was trying not to blush ." I just wanted too " I tell her . I then kiss her on her forehead .

Later on it's about 12pm . " Get ready " I tell Liza . She looks up at me " Ready for what ?" She asked . I then put up a finger above me lips and she smiled . I walked into the closet to pick out my basic out . All black . My pants had rips in them since that's still the style . I then go into Tommy's room to get him dressed . I picked out some dark blue jeans , with a grey shirt, with some brown shoes , and a long sleeve black and red plaid shirt .

I then walk into Hanna Graces room to see Liza walking out with her . Liza had on some jean pants with a black shirt that says . " 27 with a 1 & 3 year old " on it . Her parents mailed it to us from Houston . Ila had on a black tutu with a hot pink shirt on . She had black tights in under neath .

" Come On D where are we going ?" Liza asks as she grabs Ilas diaper bag . " It's a surprise " I say and I grab Tommy's hand and we head to the car .

Liza's POV ;
I was ready to find out where we were going . David didn't give any hints or clues . On the low I thought it was nothing . That he isn't going to really surprise me . Like I wanted to do stuff with David because literally he never does stuff with us . It was soon Halloween and we haven't even gotten the kids a costume .

We pull up to this field with gold like high grass sticking up . I then see a lot of other cars parked around it . And I hug tree . I then see that one of the cars is Kristen's . So I knew the squad had to be here .

When we get out we walk over to the tree and I see everyone . We all hug and talk . Soon a lady comes up to us . Secretly David had gotten a photographer to take all of ours pictures . As a groups , with just our family , and just the kids . I was so happy because we needed new pictures of us and the kids . The good thing is that we all were wearing some type of black .

David's POV ;
After that we left and we went to party city . Liza hasn't gotten the kids a costume yet and I'm here to help . I'm hardly around now days and I should be around more often . We walk over to the kids section and we let the kids look . Well really Tommy because he actually kinda knows what he wants . He points up to a spider man costume . " You want that bud ?" I ask and he nods .

Liza then picks this out for Hanna Grace

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Liza then picks this out for Hanna Grace . We soon leave party city's with a successful trip . We then go to Taco Bell and we eat in . We Vlogged a little bit and soon we were home .

Liza's POV ;
We then put Tommy and Hanna Grace into a bath together around 7:25. Then David dried Tommy off while I dried Hanna Grace off . We then put them into their pjs and David left the room. Tommy usually likes story's about monster trucks and all . Sometimes we let him watch old vlogs that are appropriate before bed . He loves them so much and he likes to see everyone when we were in our early twenty's . He also loves seeing the vlogs from when I was pregnant with him and Ila . And when they were born like when they were baby's .

After I read Tommy like seven bedtime stories. I tucked him in bed and I gave him that black hat . He still holds onto it and sleep with it ever since that day . I turn on his night light and I walk towards the door . I turned off his big light and I closed the door . I walked over to Ilas room and I opened the door . Their I saw David sitting in the rocking chair , rocking her to sleep . I walked in the room and realized that they both where asleep . I picked her up and I laid her in her crib . I then woke up David " come on babe" I say and he stands up and looks over at the crib . He then wraps his arm around me and we walk out of her room . We get to are room and we get ready for bed . After texting the girls group chat I placed my phone on charge. And I lay down . Soon I was greeted by David's warm body against mine . And we soon doze off
Total words : 1090
Hey y'all I just wanted to let y'all know that since Hanna Grace's nick name is Ila from Shaila . I decided her nick name will just be Hanna . From her first name Hanna Grace . And if your wondering yes I did get the name Hanna from Pretty Little Liars .

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