Chapter 23;Aunt Liv & other news

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December 17 2023/ 11:30am

Liza's POV ;

So today is the day that Olivia flys out to LA . I get dressed and ready to go pick her up with Tommy . Before leaving I walked back into mine and David's room to see that he wasn't their . I then walk out and down the hall to the office . I peeked in and saw David sitting at his desk with Hanna by his side . "That's momma isn't it " David said as she pointed at his computer. My guess was he was editing a video . I then open the door a little and they big turned " Mommy!" Hanna mumbled . Drool was falls down her bottom lip . " Hey baby girl , mommy will be back soon " I say as I kiss her soft cheeks then I kiss David's lips ." Bye Liza , we will be here waiting " David says . I turn around and wave goodbye before walking out the door . I then walk into the living room to see Tommy playing with some of his toys . "Come on buddy we have to go" I say as I held my hand out . He runs over and grabs it and we head out the door .

"Time lapse to the airport "

When we arrive at the airport we park the car and get out . We walk inside and find her gate ." Mommy Where's Aunt Liv?" Tommy asks " I don't know baby, she will be here soon " just as I said that she walks out of her gate "Aunt Liv!" He yells and runs up to her "ahhh Tommy" she says as she gets on her knees to hug him " Hi baby sis " She says to we as we exchange hugs " Hey Olivia , hows your flight ?" " Good, but I sat in the back and it smelled like pee " she says as we couldn't help but laugh . We soon got her bag and and headed to the car .

David's POV ;
It's now about 12:05. I just got a text from Liza saying that she's going to hang with Liv for awhile . Which was fine with me because I had to edit and go to Heath and Bella's to film a video .
I had just put Hanna down for a nap so I had about a hour or more to just get some work done . I had already booked our tickets for our flight to Vernon Hills . Soon me , Liza and the kids will be flying back and forth to Vernon Hills a lot . We were even thinking about buying a apartment or a little house their so when we visit and all . We were going to buy a house or something in Houston . But since her dad and mom split up she changed her mind . Which is cool with me because she's more closer with her mom then dad .

" time lapse : 1:45pm"

I had just got done getting Hanna ready . I grabbed my camera and stuff and headed to Heath and Bella's . When I arrived I could hear them in he back yard . I walked up to the gate and Heath turned around . He soon approached the gate " Hey Dave !" He says happy as can be " What's up man " I say as we walked towards the table where Bella was sitting . " Hey Bella " I say as I kiss her cheek . " hey David " she reply's .

We all then have some small talk . I turned over to see Hanna playing with Jacob,Kimberly,Riley and Peyton. " So David we have something to share " Heath says . I then turned back around "okay, what's up you seem kinda scared ?" I then say I'm kinda a asking way " Well..." Bella said as she looked at Heath " Were having another baby!" She then says .

Heath's POV ;
"We're having another baby!" Bella says . David turns towards me then back at Bella " Nice prank y'all " he says with a smile . "You got me " He said as he put his hands up " David it's not a prank " I say . I could see Bella blushing as she put her hands under her chin " Dude I literally see then camera over their " David says as he point " Yea so we can catch your reacting " I say as I point at it also . He then stops laughing and he gets a serious look on his face " oh y'all are serious ?" He asks and I nod " congrats guys !" He says standing up to hug us
" and also we are giving this house to Heath's parents and we are going to get a bigger house " Bella tells him " oh and how long are you ?" He asks "only a couple of days " she tells him.

David's POV ;
I was so happy for them all . They then told me how they wanted to wait to tell Liza . But soon she cane over with Tommy and Liv . Then they told them and all . Soon we all drove home and Liza took Liv to her hotel . "Hey babe come here " Liza says . I then walk down the hall . She was standing in the door way of the guest room ." We should turn this into a playroom for you know the kids " she says . I then peek in . It is a good size room for a playroom . It had a bathroom just like Hanna's room did " of course we can " I say . She then smiles and I wrap my arm around her shoulder . I knew why she wanted to turn it into a playroom . Because her parents use to sleep in the room when they visited LA. But now since her mom is moving in with Liv and Alexis theirs no point in having it . Because my parents like getting hotel rooms with my siblings . I didn't mind it being changed into a playroom if she didn't like her . All I want to do is see Liza happy . That's all .
972 words .

I also just realized that I kinda
Named Hanna after Gabbie's last name . Because before she married Zane she was Gabbie Hanna . I just want to say I got the name Hanna off of 'Pretty Little Liars' one of my favorite tv shows . And I had gotten the name Grace off of another one of my favorites called 'Hawaii 5-0' . Just saying if anyone thought it .
New chapters coming on
Tuesday and Wednesday

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