Chapter 34: Isaac

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* I decided to post a day early ,
Your all welcome 🤣💗*

Los Angeles , California
January 8 2024
      Liza's POV ;

Today is Isaacs 2nd birthday . I was already up and I got myself ready early so we would be on time . The party started at 1 so I decided to wake David up . As I approached the bed I decided to scared David . " Boo!" I yelled and he jumped up . His eyes were opened big then he smiled knowing it was me . " Ugh babe you scared the shit out of me " he said as he pulled me in for a hug " sorry  , but it's time to wake up " I say and he gets out of bed . " I'm going to take a quick shower " he said as he looked at his phone " want to join me ?" He says with a smirk " can't already dressed and someone has to get the kids up " I said with a smile because he knows I'm busy . He then walks into the bathroom and I walk down the hall to wake up the kids . I first walk into Hanna's room and I see her sitting in her crib . " Mama " she says as she sees me approaching the crib " Hi baby girl " I say as I pick her up . I then took her to the bathroom to let her pee in her little kid toilet thing . I then get her dressed . I put her in a burgundy dress and a yellow bow in her hair . Hanna's hair was pretty long and curly . It was to her shoulders already . I then put her brown boots on her and I let her play in her room . I walked down to Tommy's room to see he was already awake and playing with his toys ." Hey Tommy " I say as I stand in the door way . He looks up at me and runs over " Hey bud , let's get ready for Isaacs party " I say and he nods . We then walk over to his closet to pick a outfit out . I decided on a blue shirt and he picked some black pants out . Just like his daddy . I then helped him tie his shoes and I let him continue playing in his room .
I walked back into mine and David's room and David was already dressed in his black attire. " Your mom and sister just called . They will meet us at the party a little after 1" David said as he put his shoes on . " okay thanks babe " I say as I kiss him on the cheek . By now it was a little past 12pm so I went ahead and put Isaacs presents into the car so we couldn't have to worry about it later .

  David's POV ;
Now it's about 12:30 pm . We decide to leave the house a little early so we put the kids in the car and go. When we arrive we already see a lot of cars their . When we entered Scott walked up to us with his little brother Kevin who was now 22 . " Hey guys !" Scott says as he hugs us . " Hey Scotty and Kevin " Liza says " Liza , the kids can go to the backyard and play in the jumpy house " Kevin said and she took them to the back . " So who alls here ?" I asked Scott as we walked into the party a little more . " Kristen's parents and her sister Monica , my folks , Gabbie , Zane , Heath,Bella,Josh, Paige , Toddy , Carly, Dom, Corinna,Alex , Erin , Matt , Rosalie , Jason , Trisha , and all their kids " he says and I nod . We then walk outside and see everyone standing around taking. Matt and Rosalie walk over to me . " Hey Dave " Matt says as we hug " Hey guys what's up?" I say as I hug Rosalie " nothing much just a little tired " She said and I then remembered that she's about a month pregnant. I remember Liza got tired a little when she was pregnant with Tommy . We all then go sit down and talk to Zane and Heath .

   Liza's POV ;
  After I took the kids outside to play I found Kristen and Corinna talking . " Hey Girl " Kristen says as she hugs me ." Hey where is the birthday boy ?" I asked " I think he fell asleep on my step dads shoulder " Kristen says and I nod . " so where are Olivia and Alexis ?" Corinna asked . I then turn around to see Olivia standing on the patio with Alexis . She stops me and I motion her over here " Hey , sorry we are a little late " Lib says as she hugs us " Its totally fine don't worry about it " Kristen adds . " Where's Mom ?" I asked " she's talking to I think yours or Scott's mom " She says . Soon Lexi runs off and joins Tommy and Ella in the bouncy house . We then talk for a while and then we all eat .

Soon it's time to sing happy birthday to Isaac . Scott and David carry out the cake and place it on the table outside . Kristen holds Isaac in her arms . His hair is kinda a dirty blonde color like his mommy's . We then sing happy birthday and then Scott , Kristen and Ella help him blow the candles out .

Soon we head back home and I fell really tired . I don't really know why but I am . David then decided to bathe the kids for me and put them to bed for me since I don't fell good . I take off my makeup and I put my hair into a bun . I get into some comfy clothes and I head to bed .

   David's POV ;

Liza seemed to be sick . Or not feeling good which is really weird because she doesn't get sick easy . So I told her to go to bed while I bathed the kids and put them to sleep . Other then that a week ago from today our baby girl will be turning 2 years old ! I feels like it was just yesterday when I held her for the first time . Anyways after I put the kids to sleep I get changed and headed to bed .

Totally words :1005

Guys I kinda have some news ....
Wednesday will be the last day that I will upload a chapter to this book 😭
No this isn't the end of this book . I'm just taking a brake for a while . I will be writing a new book for the spin off of ' David and Liza : High School '
Which if you have not read it you should !

So yeah I don't know how long I will be taking a brake for but yeah .

I'm going to be making the 35 chapter good ! More like a chapter that will shake you all .

The chapter will be about Hanna Graces 2nd birthday party .

But the ending with be so 'different '

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter .

If you haven't read my book
' David and Liza : High school '
It will be on my page where it says
' Works by Newgirl25_'

Thanks babes and see you on
Wednesday with Liza 🤣💕

David and Liza : The Sequel Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant