Chapter 24; packing

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December 20 2023/ 1:50pm

David's POV ;
Tomorrow we leave LA to go to Vernon Hills . I have already made two trips to our local target because Liza feels like we are forgetting something . I was in Hanna's room helping Liza pack her things while she took a nap in Tommy's room ." Babe do you think this outfit for her is cute ?" Liza asked as she held up a cute long sleeve dress . " Yeah it's cute " I say . Liza then folds it up and puts it into Hanna's bag . " We have six pants,six shirts , six dresses, three shoes , underwear and pjs is that enough ?" Liza asked with a worried face . " Babe I think that's to much " I say to her as I sit beside her " Liza everything going to be fine " I assure her . She then sighs as i wrap my arms around her " I hope so, I just feel like I'm forgetting something " she tells me " if you forget anything theirs literally a Target 10 minuets away from my parents house " I tell her and we both laugh . She then zips up Hanna's suit case and she puts it by the door . " So you packed Tommy's bag right ?" She asks me and I nod " should I check it?" " nope " I say with a kinda worried smile " yeah ima check it" She says as she heads to our room . I couldn't help but laugh . When she walked in their was Tommy's bag on the bed . She sat down by it and opened it . She went through it . "Socks !" She says " we forgot both of them a pair of socks " she then adds " oh no the worlds going to end !" I say jokingly . I then go into their room and grab some socks and I come back. " oh lord I was back in time " I say as I try to hold in my laughter . Liza gives me a sarcastic look and then shoots me the bird . She puts the socks into the bag and then zips it up " well babe you did pretty good " she says as she walks up to me and gives me a kiss . " I know I did . " I say as we hug . We then walk down the hall . We both peaked into Tommy's room to see Hanna sleeping in his bed " Hopefully she gets about 30 more minutes " Liza says as we walk into the living " I doubt it . She's wild like her momma " I say and Liza smiles . Their is Tommy and Olivia watching tv on the sofa .

Liza's POV ;
As we walked into the living room Olivia was on the sofa with Tommy . They were watching tv . Then her phone buzzing and I was guessing it was a call . She then pressed decline and she put her phone down ." Dad had been blowing up my phone since we found out " she says as she leaned her head against her fist . " He's called me like ten times in the past five days " I say and she sighs " this is the seventh call just today " she says . I then sit down beside her and David walks outside with Knox . " you know we will have to pick up one of his calls soon right ?" Liv says to me as she wraps her arm around me " Yeah I know " I sigh " but I just don't know what to say " I add " same here , but I do feel like he has other kids with his 'mistress ' " she says . We were silent for a moment ." Me too" I say to her . I then sit up and see that a tear is falling down her face " Aww Liv" I say as I wrap my arms around her . " he did mom so wrong , he did us wrong " she says as she wipes her cheek with her palm " I know I know , it's hard " I say . David was still outside with Knox I think he was talking with Jason on the phone . By now me,Olivia and Tommy were just in the living room talking " do you remember when we went to six flags and I had to wear Rachel's shoes to be tall enough ?" Olivia said while laughing " yes and I had to wear your shoes " I added . We couldn't help but laugh like crazy . Tommy on the other hand was so busy with his coloring he didn't really pay much attention . Soon David walked back in with Knox " Jason will be here soon to get Knox " he says and I nod . Before I could say anything I heard cry's from down the hall " not it " I say " oh fine " David says and he walked back their to get Hanna .

" Time lapse: later that night "

David's POV ;
Me and Liza had already put the kids to sleep . We were in our room finishing packing our bags . " oh yeah . Dom , Corinna and Melanie will be flying back with us " I say as Liza folds up a shirt " okay cool , and how are we sitting ?" She asks " Well me , Dom and Tommy and then you , Corinna , Hanna and Melanie in Corinna's lap ." I say to her " or we can switch to it don't matter l I add " no no that's fine but I call a window seat " she says with a smirk " like always " I say and we laugh . " well I'm done packing " she says " me to" I add . We then out or bags up and then head to bed .
Total words : 906
Ik it's a short chapter but
I'm really busy . Also Im
Going to say I don't know David's siblings ages and all . So I just made
Them up Because I think I'm real life right now . I think Ester is 13 or 14 so I'm just going to add stuff up and all
Ester = 20

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