Chapter 26; Last minute shopping

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Christmas Eve 2023 : 11:45am

Liza's POV ;
Today is the last day for final Christmas shopping . David and I have gotten everyone else gifts but I still need to get him something . So today me , David's mom, Ester , Sara and Hanna Grace are going last minute shopping . We all piled into David's moms Honda . I buckled Hanna in and I sat beside her with her Aunt Ester in the other side of her. Sara was up front with her mom and we soon left to go to the store mall.

David's POV ;
I was at my old childhood home with my dad , Toby and Tommy . We were all sitting in the living room talking . " David what did you get Elizabeth for Christmas?" He asked as he Payless the tv . " It's a surprise " I say as I raise a eye brow . " Anyways dad what did you get mom ?" Toby asked as e turned off his phone " I got her some jewelry from Kay's " he spoke before taking a sip out of his mug that said " Houston Texas Baby " on it . Liza had gotten him last year .  " Toby what are you getting Taylor ?" My dad says and my eyes widen a little " Who's Taylor ?" I ask " She's my girlfriend " he spoke " I bought her tickets so we can go see Why Don't We band playing in Chicago . " he then added " oh yeah I heard those boys are huge after Logan Paul vlogged with him a couple of times " I say . We all then continued to talk but then my dads phone went off . " it's y'alls mother . The girls will be home in two hours " I then remembered that I need to wrap Liza's presents . " Um dad do y'all have any wrapping paper ? I need to wrap Liza's gift " he then pointed to the hall closet by the kitchen " thanks " I say as I walk towards it . I grab so wrapping paper and tape . As I go upstairs to my old childhood bedroom Tommy decided to help me but to keep it a secret . Which he's very good at .

Liza's POV ;

When we got home David's dad was in the kitchen cooking . They have a Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve so on Christmas Day we can just spend it as family . I had left my bags in David's moms car so David wouldn't see what I got him . " Guys did you know it's going to snow later ?" Toby said . They had gotten some snow in early December but haven't since then . " cool" Sara says " well, I'm going upstairs to wrap y'all a gifts she says as she grabbed her bags and left out of the room . I then looked around and realized David was nowhere in site . And same with Tommy . " Hey where is David ?" I asked " David and Thomas are upstairs wrapping gifts " his dad says . I nod and walk into the living room and sit beside Hanna . Who's watching something on Disney . Soon Tommy walks down with wrapped presents and David is behind him " Hi mommy !" He spoke happily . Him and David sat the boxes down by the tree in the corner . " hey babe " David says as we walks over and lays a kiss on my lips . I kiss him back " Hey Dave " I say back with a smile.

David's POV / 5pm;

It was now time for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner . We all made our plates and then ate at the big table . We all talked about random stuff . My dad asked how Josh and Paige were and I told him that they were fine .

After dinner we all went to sit down in the living room . The kids had went outside with Ester, Sara and Toby . Dom, Corinna and Melanie had just came by . My parents met Melanie Ava for the first time . " Corinna she has your eyes " my mother spoke and she thanked her

" Mommy ! Daddy !" I hear being yelled as to door busted open . It was Tommy " Yes ?"  I say " what's wrong ?" Liza says looking confused . She's always worried that him and Hanna are going to get hurt because my parents didn't baby proof the house . Or kid proof it .
" it's snowing !" He says as My siblings ran into the house . Sara was holding Hanna . We all smiled and followed hem back outside . It was snowing a lot and . I turned to my right to see Liza sticking her tongue out so she can hopefully catch a couple of flakes on her tongue . After a while we went back in " we should go before we get stuck here " I say to Liza and she nods . We soon leave back to our hotel .
And the kids couldn't stop talking about the snow.

Liza's POV ;
When we got to the hotel David took the kids to the indoor pool . I told him I had to edit a video but I was really wrapping him and the kids gifts . I got Tommy a lot of Power ranger and Ning's turtle stuff . And Hanna I got her a lot of Disney toys and dresses . I got David's gift and wrapped . This year we had our own personal wrapping paper made . It was a family picture of all four of us . It made me remember back in 2017 when I had wrapping paper made with a picture of Jet all over it . And I had a Christmas party with all of our friends . Good memories of us before we all got married and started having our own family's . Right before David's and the kids cane back I put this presents up . And now we all can't wait for Christmas.

Total words ; 937

Sorry guys . This chapter my friend didn't help me write . We have big chapters coming up after the Christmas one or ones . I will post the Christmas chapter on Friday . And on Monday a one of hen about to fly out to LA .  But my friend will be helping me write the chapters after the next two ( not counting this chapter )

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