Chapted 21: Christmas time is here !

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December 1 2023

Liza's POV ;
Finally it's December . Today is Corinna's 28th birthday . This morning when I woke up around 8:45am I posted a picture on Instagram and Snapchat, wishing her a happy birthday . Then I texted her in the group chat . So far we weren't doing anything for her birthday because Dom said he had something special planned . But we might do something later on in the month .

Also I had today off from set . And since today is the 1st we are going to start decorating for Christmas. Me and the kids went into the living room and sat down while David went to the storage room to get the decorations. He soon came back with the Christmas tree box and the decorations . While David put the tree together me and the kids went to get something to drink .
" Well, let's get this tree started " David said with a smile on his face . Tommy and Hanna ran to the tree and started to decorate . I had noticed that David already set his camera up to record us doing it .

We put the ornaments on it , followed by some lights .

It turned out like this but a little bit taller and wider

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It turned out like this but a little bit taller and wider . After that we decided to get dressed and we went to Panera Bread .

David's POV ;
After we ate at Panera Bread we decided to go to target . Liza grabbed a buggy and sat Hanna down in the seat . I decided to start recording it for more footage for next Monday's vlog . Liza made some puns as we shopped and we did some funny stuff for the vlog .  We then walked down the isles where they had Christmas stuff on it. "Ohh babe , we need stockings for the kids " Liza says " Don't we have some from last year ?" I asked looking confused "No remember we left them at my parents place " she said and I nodded . We then walked over to the stockings . "Okay kids which ones do y'all want?" I asked . Tommy looked at all of them . Their was ones that had kid tv shows on it . Tommy then points up at one " This one " I ask as I point to it "Yea!" It was a ninja turtle one . Last year he had a power ranger one . I then pick him up so he can grab it . " What about you Hanna ?" Liza says and she picks her up . Tommy then throws his into the buggy . I started back recording I showed the camera Tommy's and I was recording the girls . " David this is Hanna's first time picking out her own stocking " Liza says with a smile " Because remember my mom got her a all pink one for her first Christmas ?" She added and I then started to remember " oh yeah " I say . Then Hanna points at one . It was a my little pony one which I never New they still had anything that was my little pony . I then grab it for Liza and I place it into the buggy .

We had finally checked out and we soon arrived at home . We put everything up and then we hung up the kids stockings . " hey babe I have to edit a video for my second channel can you watch the kids ?" I hear Liza ask from the living room " sure thing " I say back . I then walk into the living room to see Hanna was asleep . I then picked her up carefully and I carried her to her room. I then gently lay her down in her bed . " Good night baby girl " I whisper as I lean down and kiss her . I then see Tommy in his room playing with his toys so I decided to watch to tv in he living room .

Liza's POV ;
I was by myself in the office . The door was closed and it was quiet and that's a good thing . As I was editing my video I then get a FaceTime call from my sister Olivia .

(The FaceTime call )

Olivia ;Hey!
Liza ; Heyy! What's up ?
(She then turned the camera to her side and I saw my mom and Alexis )
Liza; Hey Lexi and mom
Mom  ; Hey !
Alexis  ;Hi
Liza ; so what's up ?
Olivia ; I just wanted to let you know that we found a house in LA!
Liza ; yay I'm so happy for y'all ! Tell me about it
Olivia ; well it's a four bedroom five bathroom house . It was a mud room
Mom; and a Island
Alexis ; and a pool !
(We all laugh )
Olivia ; yeah that's their must haves
Liza ; well I'm so happy for y'all . When are y'all moving and all ?
Olivia ; well we moving truck will drive out their in December 15 . And I will fly out their the day it arrives which is the 17. Then I'll unpack and mom and Alexis will fly out at the beginning of January .
Liza ; Yay , and if y'all need anywhere to stay if the house isn't ready y'all can stay at our place . Because we will be in Vernon Hills from the 21-26.
Olivia ; well thank you baby sis ! But I'll call or text you later because we have to pack and all

We then said our goodbyes and got off the phone. I finished editing my video and I posted it . I got up and left the office . I walked out to the living room to see that David was asleep on the couch. For old times sake I decided to scare him . I pulled my phone out and opened Snapchat . Right then I hear footsteps behind me . I turned to see Tommy ." Hey baby boy . You wanna help me scare daddy ?" I ask him . He nods and a smile grows across his face . I then start recording David . " on three " I whisper to Tommy " one..two..three"
We then jumped and yelled "boo!" David jumped up with his eyes widened. We then started laughing ."You think this is funny but what you don't know if I was recording you too!" He says as he point over the his left . I turn and see a camera propped up in the right angle for the scare . I should of known David would never fall asleep on the couch . He then wraps his arms around my legs and I fall onto him laughing like crazy with him and Tommy . My two boys!

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