Chapter 22; Nothing too do

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December 10 2023

David's POV ;
Today Liza was on set in New York and I had nothing planned for the kids and I to do . I then decided to call Scott and see if he was busy today. The phone rings for about five seconds and then he picks up.

Scott ; Hey man I was about to call you !
David ; oh really what for ?
Scott ; well, Kristen found the cool place for kids to just have fun at . It's like Pump It Up but it's better . She wanted me to ask you and see if you wanted to come .
David ; Sure ! We have nothing to do anyways

We soon get off the phone . I look and see that it's 12:30pm . Tommy was already dressed because he had just came back from Gabbie's around 9 this morning . I then grab Hanna from off the sofa and I carry her into her room . Me and Liza have been potty training her but just Incase we put her into a small diaper . I then put her on some pants and a shirt . I grab her a little jacket and I put some shoes on . I then leave out of that room and I walk into the other one . I grab my camera stuff and me and the kids head for the car .

Scotty's POV ;
Me , Kristen and the kids soon arrived at this place and we walked in . "I'm going to go get us some passes so we can enter " Kristen says to me and I nod . I waited with the kids by the door . I soon see David walking up with Tommy and Hanna . I open the door from them " What's up  man " I say to David . We brotherly hug " Nothing much , how are you and Kristen ?" He asks as he takes off his jacket ." Good , you and Liza ?" " Good " he says . We then have some small talk but soon Kristen comes back . " Well here are the kids passes . But we don't get one since we are their parents " she says . She hands me this sticker with Isaacs name on it . I then lean down to put it on his shirt . We soon enter the play area and the kids go wild .

Kristen POV ;

Soon after we had fun at the play place we all decided to go eat at Subway . After we all ordered we sat down and ate . David and Scott both filmed some while eating for their vlog . After that we all just sat their and talked . I then get a phone call from Paige , Joshes wife .

David's POV ;
Kristen had gotten a phone call . We all got quiet so she could talk ." Hey guys , Paige and Josh wants to know if y'all want to meet at their place just to hang ?" " Yea sure " I say " why not " Scott adds . She then tells Paige and they soon get off the phone . We then walk out, get in our cars and drive to Josh and Paige's place .

*Time lapse *

Liza's POV ;
It's about 9 when I get off of set . I start driving and I get home around 9:30 . When I walk into the house some of the lights were dimmed. I placed my little bag onto the table by the front door . I walk into the kitchen and I see David washing  the dishes . Wow that's something you don't see everyday ." Hey babe " I say as I walk towards him. I then place a little peck on his cheek " Hey babe, I just put your plate into the microwave it's still warm " he tells me as he drys his hands off . I thank him and grab the plate from the microwave. He then brings me a cup of water and we sit down " Where are the kids ?" I ask before taking a bite of food . " asleep , well they should be I just put them both down " he says with a smile . " oh and also Matt, Rosalie ,Josh and Paige are having a little party at  Joshes place before Christmas " David say as he gets on his phone . " no gifts or anything just hanging out and eating " he adds " well that's good because I'm off  tomorrow . " I add and David nods .
Soon we both get ready for bed z. We make a couple of Snapchat videos while in bed and we post them . " good night babe " I say " good night baby " he says as I feel his warmth on my body .
Totoal words ;743
* also on Friday's
I might post late
But more chapters
Coming next week
On; Monday
& Friday *

P.S ; who also laughed so hard when on David vlog he found Jason and Trisha in Hawaii ? He's such a kid at heart , I love him and the vlog Squad 🙂❤️

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