10• Piangendo

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A/N: Piangendo: A direction to perform in a mournful, plaintive manner.

Hope you like this chapter, and thank you all for reading


"Again. This is not good enough,

"Aish, but this is the ninth time and I still didn't reach the main part," I complained, giving Yoongi an irritated look.

He closed his eyes and breathed out, making me feel like it's all my fault. He was just pressing unusually too hard this class, looking even more impatient.

"(Y/N)... You can play better than that, or is it just in front of someone else??"

I looked at him in puzzlement,"what?"

"Ugh, nothing. Just keep playing."

I turned back to the piano, still wondering what he meant. But I played anyway. But Yoongi stopped me again, this time, pressing his hand onto mine harshly, preventing me from playing more.

"Ouch! What the heck??!" I moved my hand away, staring at Yoongi,"what is wrong with you today?"

"You're not focusing! Your mind is far away, it's lost somewhere else! Maybe you should go back and train in the theater with that idiot! Maybe then you'll do better!" He yelled, bursting out of my room.

"What? How did he... Hey, wait! It's still 4:30!!" I yelled back, following Yoongi, but he was already out of my house. I ran outside and watched him walk away on the road.

Something hard squeezed in my chest as I watched him leave angrily. Well, I guess I was mad, too.

But why were my tears falling right now while I stood alone at my gate?


"This is not gonna work," my hands moved away from the piano keys as I sighed in defeat.

"Don't say that. You should just try to clear your mind, (Y/N)," Baekhyun smiled at me, trying to encourage me.

I smiled back at him, feeling more encouraged by his simple yet touching words. But how could I clear my mind with all those unsolved thoughts in my head? Since yesterday.

But I shouldn't keep thinking like that; the event was tomorrow.

"Okay, let me try this time," I tried clearing my thoughts and closed my eyes, brushing away the memory of me standing at the pavement, stupidly waiting for Yoongi to come back until dark fell.

My hands slowly moved, forming something other than I expected. I was playing freely again.

I opened my eyes, looking at the keys and trying to connect each note with the other.

"Yeah, this is better! Where did you learn this? I like it."

I looked at Baekhyun after stopping, and said,"I just spontaneously played it."

He raised his eyebrows at me,"wow! (Y/N) the pianist and composer of the future!"

I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness.


Wrong day to decide to walk home, huh? I thought to myself as I fast paced under the heavy rain.

I was feeling like walking home from the theater today, even though my house was a bit far. And suddenly, it started pouring down.

I tpitoed because of all those small pools forming on the road, and suddenly I slipped at one of them, falling on the road.

I was about to get up until my body froze at the sudden sound of a screeching car under the rain and a glimmer of headlights.

Out of a sudden, my arm was yanked away from the road, my whole body moving away and falling at the edge of the pavement.

I opened my eyes and found Yoongi sitting on the ground, panting and glaring at me with his wet bangs almost covering his eyes.

"You idiot! What's wrong with you??"

I blinked at him,"I slipped."

"Well, cant you just walk away from the street??"

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"What would a sorry do? Save your life?"

He got up, not bothering to help me as I got up alone.

"Why are you so mad? Why do you even care if anything happened to me?? Its not like you care about me anyway." The words slipped from my mouth before I could even stop them.

He glared at me,"why am I mad?! Well, maybe if you weren't such a whiny, clumsy girl, I wouldn't have to care for you so much!"


Yoongi blinked now, shocked at his own words as he looked down then back at me,"look, just forget about it. I'm sorry. Let's just go to my house and dry ourselves, we're drinched in rain."

He headed towards his house while I stood there."But.. I want to go home."

He sighed at me,"do you know how far your house is? I guess you lost your way. Don't worry, I'll take you back to your house as soon as the rain stops."

I nodded, following Yoongi to his house and still feeling strange about his sudden change of attitude again. And wondering what he meant by his previous words before, the heavy, cold rain drops washing away my thoughts as I walked further behind Yoongi.

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