28• Smorzando

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A/N: Smorzando: (Italian) : A direction to perform more and more slowly, as though the music were fading away.


Your POV

3 months later

Tiptoeing on the wooden floor of the living room, I took the opportunity and attacked Yoongi, who was sitting on the couch tapping on his phone, with a bear hug from behind him.

"YAH!! Seriously, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed as he turned to me, obviously startled. But nonetheless, he gave me a gummy smile once he heard me chuckle.

He pulled my whole body effortlessly towards the couch and pinned me there, planting soft kisses across my cheeks, earning giggles and light joking punches from me.

Luckily, his family wasn't at his house, so it was much more comfortable for us.

After long agonizing conversations with both our parents, they finally agreed,seeing how much we loved each other. And the fact that my father was a rebel too and actually married my mother out of love, even when she had financial problems, really helped. My dad had trusted Yoongi and liked him ever since he met him, that's for sure.

"That's your punishment for bothering me and scaring me like that." He smiled against my cheek, his warm breath sending shivers across my neck.

"But we'll be laaate." I complained as I traced circles on his face that was so close to mine.

"But.. I don't think I can do it."

My smile faltered as I sat and I went all serious, "Min Yoongi, you are the most talented person I've ever known. And besides.. " I bit my lip, then continued, "I don't want you to miss the opportunity of your life. Don't repeat the same mistake."

He gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair, "then, I'll do it. For you."


He let out a nervous sigh; he was obviously nervous. What if he failed? What if he missed his opportunity again? But your father worked really hard to get this committee to see him perform. He wouldn't miss this chance to study at a great collage like you. You were now studying music at one of the best universities in Seoul after you performed in many events and became famous. He was just so proud of you.

You noticed how nervous he seemed as he couldn't bring himself to start with the first notes. You slowly walked towards him and he looked at you, biting his thin lower lip.

"Yoongi, what's wrong?" You whisper softly into his ear.

He shook his head, "I just... Don't think I can do this, (Y/N). It's been too long since I've played in front of an audience. I.. Can't.."

"Yoongi.. "

He stared at the piano keys, avoiding your serious gaze.

"Yoongi, look at me," you, to your own surprise, brought your hand to his soft chin, turning his face towards you as he forced himself to look at you.

"I've seen you play before with your eyes closed. You looked like you and the piano were one. Like it was a part of you that you couldn't let go of. And you shouldn't let go of it now. Never give up on your dream. It's never too late to achieve it. I learned that from the best tutor ever."

He smiled lightly at that, his eyes almost closing as he slowly calmed his nerves.

You left his chin. Then you took a folded piece of fabric out of your purse. He raised his eyebrow, giving you a questioning look while you unfolded what appeared to be the same blindfold he gave you long time in one of your classes.

"For some reason, I thought you'd need this today," you said, tying the blindfold around his head, covering his eyes.

"Now play. No one is here but you and the piano."

"Excuse me, but are you going to play with your eyes shut?" A member of the committee asked curiously.

You nodded at them as you smiled and settled on a chair, watching Yoongi as he placed his fingers against the keys. And then he smoothly started to play.

His hands and those keys once again mixed smoothly, naturally becoming one as if they hadn't even been separated for years.

The piano shared every memory with him; mourned at his beloved ones' deaths, soothed his tired lonely soul every time he wept silently because of those hardships that eventually sculpted him into a stronger being. It shared him the joy and love he felt every time his lips touched your soft, rosy ones.

He finally finished his piece with the last fading notes as he raised his hands gracefully. And he removed the blindfold from his face and looked at you, satisfied to see how proud you looked as our softly smiled at him.

"I think you have a talent, kid," one of the committee members said. "We'll definitely look into your form."

Yoongi couldn't hold his wide gummy smile as he stood and bowed to them, thanking them a lot as they nodded at him.

Yoongi was about to leave with you, hand in hand, until another member, a woman, added,"your playing was stunning, it's as if the piano was made for your fingers, even though you wore a blindfold. And I haven't seen anything like that before." She chuckled, then continued, "but, I'm not quite familiar with this piece you played. It's full of emotion and has a strong impact on the listener. A composition like that should be quite famous."

Yoongi smiled shyly, gazing at her, and then at you.

"It's name.. Is Broken Keys." He smiled at you, as if gifting you this composition he wrote, squeezing your hand lovingly. "By Min Yoongi."


A/N: Yaaaayyy, finally a happy ending. Though there's still the epilogue and we're done :'D
Hope this super fluff in this chapter wasn't too cringy. It was too cringy, right? *sigh* ;-;
Sowwy but I wanted it to be happy and satisfying enough. Hope I didn't fail, though.

Ily allll soooo much for reaching this far. You're really amazing and I'm feeling so bad for almost finishing this book. It means I'll be leaving you and your lovely comments *weeps* I'll miss you all a looot but I hope I see you all in my future books (I'm already planning to write plenty hehe)
Anyway, hope you enjoyed❤

Love yourselves 💕💕♪♪

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