The Dining hall incident

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Shuichi's pov

Me and Kokichi were half way down the stairs leading to his room from the dormitory hall. I continued to carefully assist him down the stairs until i see Himiko walk past us. Still holding him i called her

"Himiko" i said

"Nyeh? What's up Shuichi?... and why are you side carrying Kokichi?" She questioned

"He lost a significant amount of blood and he cant walk that well... anyways How's Kaito?" I said

"He's in his room resting for now... Maki is with him so I'm sure he'll be ok" she said smiling

"Thats good..." I sighed

"Anyways Shuichi... ive been wanting to ask something..." Himiko said

"What is it Himiko?" I said

"What is your relationship with that lair...You hang around him a lot and I'm kinda concerned for you" she stated

"I'll answer that one for you Himiko" Kokichi said

"Kokichi..." i said softly

"We are a couple thats why.." Kokichi said smiling

"Wait... really?... you better not be lying" Himiko said looking at me

All i did was look away and blush the moment she looked at me and said nothing.

"N-NYEH?!? SO IT WASN'T A LIE!?!" She said in shock

"N-No Himiko" i said stuttering

"Yep it is 100% true" Kokichi said cheerfully

"Shuichi.. I thought you liked Kaede..." she said sadly

"No She wasn't my type Himiko... i just saw her as a friend" i said calmly

"Now i feel like your lying Shuichi" she says pointing to me

"But im not i swear" i said

"I cant help but trust you with what you say.." Himiko says looking down

" i can definitely tell you that he is saying the truth Himiko" Kokichi said

" why should i believe you Kokichi..." she said

"Because Saihara told me himself that he didn't love her or like her in that way" Kokichi said

"Nyehhhh!!! I have no choice but to trust his word because he doesn't lie about things like that!" Himiko yelled

"Anyways Himiko can we visit kaito right now?" I asked

"Yeah but just dont piss maki off she's already not to happy with you guys well more Kokichi than anything" she said

"Thats fine i just wanna see if hes ok" i stated

"Be my guest i wont stop you after all" Himiko said

"Thanks Himiko." I said with a smile

"Yeah dont mention it" Himiko said

She then walked off heading towards the entrance to the dormitory to leave while me and Kokichi  walked around the hall of the dormitory for a while. We then decided to go tor the main building. Were everyone but Kaito and Maki was. Then Kokichi got hungry so we went to the dining hall. He still couldn't walk properly so I continued to help him and everyone knew or guessed that we were possibly together. Im gonna have to tell them sooner or later... i then set Kokichi down in a chair and went into the kitchen to make him something. I made him something basic because I could barely cook for myself so i made him omelette rice. I was in the kitchen for about 15 minutes maybe more  and i came out with his plate and put a bottle of ketchup of to the side to see if he wanted it on there.. Kokichi stared at the food curiously

"Shuichi what is this?" He asked

"Its omelette rice have you never had it" i said

"No actually... i never knew this was a thing" Kokichi said

"You should have at least heard of it... its a really common dish" i said confused

"Shuichi... i grew up alone i never got the privilege to eat good things or anything at least decent... Hell i cant even cook at all.. thats why I appreciate Kirumi so much... she was like the mom i never had..." he stated sadly

"I could say the same thing...but i had parents but... they basically left me to live with my uncle and basically abandoned me" i said

"Thats harsh but ateast you were not alone" Kokichi said

"Yeah" i said

Kokichi smiled and then grabbed the ketchup "well on that note lets try to be happy besides im hungry" he said as he put ketchup on his food

I looked at him as he grabbed the fork and took a bite. All of a sudden he had stars in his eyes and smiled.

"This is so good Shuichi!" Kokichi smiled

"Ah.. you think so?" I said

"Of course its good i like this" Kokichi said

"Thats not a lie is it?" I said

"Nope I'm telling the truth" he stated

"O-ok" i said watching him eat

After about ten minutes in the kitchen. Kokichi finished his food and stayed seated smiling while staring into emptiness. I just sat and observed him. Then suddenly he looks over at me and I didn't catch myself from staring at him.

"Oh?" Kokichi said smirking

"Huh?" I said blushing slightly

He managed to get out of his chair by himself and puts a hand on my cheek and his face is just about a few inches away from mine causing me to blush more

"Hey Shuichi... don't stare, just take a picture it will last longer" he said as he leaned in and kissed me passionately

Once he pulled away i was awestruck and couldn't respond to him in anyway. He then looked at me in the eyes and smiled.

"You Okay Shuichi?" He said laughing

All i did was stay quiet and blushed alot then i got up out of my chair and grabbed Kokichi by the shoulders and looked at him still blushing

"Uhh Shuichi?" Kokichi said a little worried

I then put my hand down by his waist, pulled him in and kissed. Causing him to blush. I then pulled him in more to the kiss and i swear i heard a small moan come from him. I then pull away and look at him. He looked so cute when he was all flustered. He looked at me in the eyes and his eyes kinda sparkled as if he was begging me to do something.

"Shuichi....i love you so much" he said hugging me and hiding his face in my chest

I smiled and put an hand on his head and hugged him back "I love  you too Kokichi"

"Also another thing Shuichi..." Kokichi said slightly embarrassed

"What is it Kokichi?" I said concerned for him

"With that kiss you gave me I dont know if you noticed but.... you got me hard.. and its starting to hurt me now" he says slightly hiding his face

"Oh im sorry Kokichi... if you want we can go somewhere more private like our rooms" i stated

He blushes "p-please.." he stuttered

I smile and pick him up bridal style. To my surprise he is really light i walked out of the dining hall with Kokichi still flustered. I walked out of the main building and into the dormitory outside. No one was in the hall of the dormitory. It was rather quiet. I walked to my room and opened the door. I walked right in and shut the door behind me and set Kokichi qon the bed. The minute i did Kokichi got up and pushed me onto the bed and instantly got on top of me. I blushed heavily while Kokichi had a slight haze of red on his cheeks. We looked at each other for a few seconds before  he pinned me down onto the bed. Instantly the thought ran through my head on how was he gonna do it this time.

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now