Where is he?

391 20 15

Shuichi's pov

A week had gone by and i haven't been able to check up on Kokichi because of this stupid  detective work...I finally got a break and was able to head to my apartment... i drove there and parked my car. I then got out and headed up the stairs and knocked on the door. No answer.... I thought he wouldn't leave but he might be back soon... i then walked back down the stairs and drove back to our house. Everytime i come back to our house I would always be greeted by his subordinates. I still wasn't used to it because they would kneel every time. I went back to my office then suddenly one of Kokichi's subordinates knock on the door and tell me some one was asking for me... they said it was Kaito. I told them to send him up and Kaito was pretty frantic. He was freaking the hell out.

"Shuichi i swear i might be tripping!!" He said

"Okay wait for one whats wrong?" I said calmly

"I thought i saw Kokichi in town when me and Maki were out for the day!" He said

"Wait what was he doing?? He should be at the apartment but when i checked not to long ago he wasn't there and well I thought he was out for a bit." I said

"Did you even go inside?!? Because it could be that female imposter! But i only caught a glimpse of what I thought was his cape and his purple hair." He said

"Well lets go open the apartment and take a look." I said getting up and sighing

"Good idea" he said

I walked out of the house with Kaito following me from behind. We go to my apartment in my car and opened up the apartment. No one was there... it was completely silent... i looked around and checked the rooms and no one was here... i then spot the same purple box i gave Kokichi when i asked him to marry me on the counter in the kitchen.... I examined the box and his ring was inside... why wasn't he wearing it for one and two he could have forgot it there when he was probably cooking something. I kept the box with me and put it in my pocket. Kaito kept looking for clues then he growled.

"Wow we are so stupid! We could have just called his phone!" He said

"Yeah that would have been smart" i said

"He will pick up if he knows that its you..." he said

"Yeah thats true.." i said pulling out my phone

"Well hopefully he picks up because i know how people normally miss calls..." he said hinting at me

"Oh shut the fuck up you know i get busy!" I stated

"Okay okay sorry.." he said

I took at deep breath and called Kokichi's phone. It rang for a bit but then i heard something vibrating. It was faint but i heard it.

"Kaito do you hear that?" I said

"Hear what?" He said

"That buzzing sound" I said

"Yeah i can now that you mention it" He said

"Search where its coming from.." i said

"Okay Shuichi" he said as he walked around trying to locate the source of the sound

After about calling Kokichi's phone for a couple minutes we found out what the buzzing was... Kokichi had left his phone and his phone was in the couch. I then panicked slightly.

"Kaito i think you probably saw Kokichi" i said

"Well damn i was honestly hoping it was the fake but it was hard to tell i really didn't know but shouldn't we wait till he comes back?" He said

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now