Alt Ending: Set Me Free

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Rantaro's pov

"Fuck.... I don't know who to choose!"

I dropped to my knees holding my head. Shuichi walks over to me as Kokichi picks up a gun and points it at Shuichi was he had a phone up to his ear really to call someone. Shuichi put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hope or Despair... its one or the other.... what is it you want the most out of life... Rantaro?"

Shuichi ran his hand across my jaw down to my chin. I was scared to death at this point.... if I choose hope.... Shuichi will kill me... choose despair and life goes good but I'm stuck as a despair slave they wont just let me leave... it is a possibility that he will kill me but... what will Kokichi do to me? Are his intentions really pure? Its a risk.... a big one at that... but if Kokichi isn't lying... this could end the remnants of despair. I thought about it for a while and finally came to a conclusion.. i hope to god i made the right choice. I got up and pushed Shuichi away and walked over to one of the tables by Kokichi

"I choose Hope.... therefore Kokichi is my choice.."

Kokichi smiled slightly and i heard his phone dial. Who ever he called picked up. Shuichi only had a neutral face to what i said and all he did my smile.

"Kiibo commence the plan just give me a solid hour.... its time for the ultimate plan."

I wasn't sure what Kokichi meant by that but not to long after that Shuichi started growing angry. Its as if he knew what was going on.

"Kokichi... why must you defy me.... I thought you loved me... please join me... its not too late.."

"Its funny how you'd stoop so low just to have me Shuichi.... its not very mastermind like.... you should kill me while you got the chance."

Shuichi just looked at him and froze no knowing what to do.... it look like he was fighting inside his mind.. he fell to the ground and put his hands over his head. He looked tormented... Kokichi walked over to him and held him at gun point... if he shot him... there is no way he would miss... Shuichi started talking to himself and yelling..

"Shut up... Shut up... Shut up!...SHUT UP!!!!!"

He kept repeating that until he suddenly passed out.... Kokichi walked over to him and picked him up... he began to walk away and he looked over at me

"Aren't you gonna follow? If so come along..... I'll give you a good start to a hopeful path..."

I just stood there looking at him not saying a word. I dont know what to say anyways so... what is it that i have to say.. i wanted this... why am i having doubts? Kokichi smiled at me and puts a hand in his pocket and takes it out he walked towards the exit and stood there...

"Since you can't make a decision yet... ill give you this..."

He then throws whatever he was holding, card style at me. It fly's across the gab between us with such accuracy. I grabbed the card out of the air and look at it. It was just a black joker card... and the joker design was shaded in black completely so you couldn't tell what it was other than looking on the edge of the card.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"If your intentions are good then whatever is on the card will reveal its self. If your answer however will cause me harm in anyway shape or form, the card will stay that way. Just don't lose it."

"I understand..."

He smiled and turned away....

"See you in the future... hopefully.."

With that... that was the last time I saw Kokichi. I remember that Kokichi said something about one hour so i left as soon as i could.... i got everything I needed.... money, clothes, you name it... all in less than 30 minutes... once the hour was up... the Remnants of Despair facility was reduced to nothing but a pile of ash in a 20 foot crater..... several months passed by since that day... i have no idea what ever happened to Shuichi or Kokichi since that day. I was able to find an apartment in the out skirts of the city. I lived life very differently than what i used to before. It was boring kind of... but it was better than ruining lives... I don't really remember why I joined in the first place.... that I really can't recall... I remember that Kokichi said he'd help me out with a better life or at least start me off on a better one. I pulled out the card that was in my pocket and looked at it. The black ink disappeared and revealed a colorful joker card... it had Kokichi wearing a jester costume in the center. There wasn't anything useful to it but the back of it also changed... it turned to a chromish color and it had the fundamentals of a mirror. I looked at it and it flashed at me... i was highly confused and then the chrome on the back became slightly transparent.... it revealed a message...

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora