Overtaken by a Higher Power

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Kokichi's pov

I dont know how long exactly i have been out for but it only felt like a couple minutes. When i woke up I found myself in what seems to be a jail cell. I was also handcuffed so i had limited things to do with my arms and hands. Fuck.... just damn it all to hell... i cant have a normal life because im an ultimate... if I wasn't an ultimate everything would have been better. What sucks is the ultimate part of me is what met Shuichi.. Man this is really sucking... My attention was then snapped to the front of my jail cell. A male with white marshmallow looking hair stood in-front of it. His hair honestly looked Like microwaved soap.... but its whatever its just white messy hair. He was also wearing a green jacket and had a sort of chain cuff around his neck. He just stared at me while he was eating a bagel... he then started to speak to me.

"So you're the Famous Ultimate supreme leader, Kokichi Ouma, Right?" He said biting his bagel

"So what if i am?...besides why am i here?" I said

"You remember the ultimate hunt correct?" He said

"Yeah? Why?" I said

"Because you are currently under their custody... and my leader is deciding what to do with you.." he said

"But why do you guys want me?" I said

"Because of your talent... we need someone like you... we haven't been able to find another supreme leader..." he said

"I already told Rantaro no..." i said

"Well im surprised you remember his name but we are gonna wipe your memory if you don't side with us... so when Miss Junko asks you you better coincide with us if not we will make you." He said

"Just let me go... i have to go home to my family..." i said tearing up slightly

"Yeah thats not gonna happen...." he said

"Why not?!" I yelled

"You already know too much..." he said

I growled and got up and went to the door of the cell.

"I swear on my grave The ultimate detective will destroy you all." I said

He looked at me and smiled with a sadist look.

"As a ultimate on my part i will take both of you down if its necessary." He said

"Just who the hell are you" i said

He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up. As he raised me his grip was hard on my neck.

"I'm Nagito Komaeda, Ultimate despair! Are you satisfied by my answer Kokichi Ouma!" He said

He held me up in the air until i passed out. His laughter faded as i fainted from lack of air... everything went silent for a while but i was sure I wasn't dead. What felt to be a few hours was actually a full day... Nagito made me pass out for a day.. i then woke up in what seemed to be a throne room chained to a small pole. A woman with blonde pigtails sat in a throne type chair. She then spoke.

"Kokichi Ouma, its a pleasure to meet you at last." she said stepping down from her throne

"...." i looked at her and glared

"I'm Junko Enoshima, the leader of this organization." She said

I looked around me and saw Nagito and Izuru kneeling next to me on each side towards Junko.

"Let me go Junko!" I demanded

"Not yet... i need to ask you something..." she said

"What is it then... i really wanna go home to my family!" I said

"Family? What family? You mean D.I.C.E right? And also that little detective boy who ruined my killing game?" She said

"Yes let me go back please!" I begged

"No that cant happen.... beside answer my question which is, will you join the ultimate hunt and create despair and spread it across the world?" She said

"No, never i will never submit to despair!!! As much as i hate this world for what i had to grow up with i will never give up and leave everything that i have now just for some stupid sadistic people!!" I yelled as i squirmed around causing the chains to rattle like crazy.

"Well thats an answer I didn't expect to get... well we can fix that.. Izuru, Nagito, take the supreme leader to Rantaro for him to get his memory wiped... we cant just let him go.. he knows too much anyways."

"Yes ma'am" they both said.

"Wait please dont do this PLEASE DONT!!" I yelled tearing up

"I would reconsider but since i heard your answer i know your gonna rebel and go against my orders." Junko said

"Please this isn't fair!!! I don't deserve this!!" I said in tears

"How pitiful... for a supreme leader your not really tough.. well that will soon change... take him away guys" she said sitting back down on her throne

"Yes ma'am" Nagito and Izuru said

They unchained me and dragged me by my hand cuffs.

"I'll get you for this Junko! Ill make sure you pay!!" I yelled as i was dragged out of the room

I was dragged down several floors and my wrists were starting to bruise and ache really badly.. we then stopped in front of a door that looked like Rantaro's ultimate lab door back in the killing game and Nagito knocked on the door

"We brought him.. Junko wants what we mentioned earlier... it's honestly very unfortunate." Nagito said

Rantaro opened the door and takes the chain from Izuru who was dragging me.

"Yeah that is rather unfortunate but we got to do what we have to do..." he said

"We leave the rest up to you Rantaro.."they both said

"I wont fail you or Miss Junko" he said

Both Nagito and Izuru left and Rantaro drags me in and shuts the door..he keeps dragging me until we get to this weird glass case that was connected to a bunch if machines. He then takes the chain off and throws me in closing the door before I could do anything. Suddenly the glass case got covered by what seemed to be metal when Rantaro pushed a button. Everything went dark but i was still awake. I then heard another beep and suddenly i saw a blinding light and felt the life get sapped out of me. I felt every memory that was hopeful and good disappear from my mind. The overwhelmingness of this caused me emotional pain causing me to pass out as it continued.. then I suddenly felt nothing.. not emotion.. just nothing. I don't remember a thing.

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now