Out Flairs

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Shuichi's pov

"Right, right. Anyways ima be upfront about this but, I'm staying because i want answers. Then after that I'm leaving back to the remnants of despair." He said

"....umm... okay i guess.." i said

What does he mean by answers? If it's something dealing with his memory then he's not gonna want to leave. Geez.... this is killing me. I dont know what to do. What if  my plan doesn't work... especially if something might happen to him. I felt a very heavy feeling in my heart that pain shot through it. I fell to the ground and tears ran down my face.

"Hey what is up with you?" He said looking at me

Heh... im pathetic... I shouldn't trust him... what if Akamatsu was right about him... after all... he is a liar...

"Hey, detective!!" He yelled

I stayed on the floor sobbing as if i lost someone to death. I kinda did basically.... it must be the same way he felt when I forgot him but... except I wasn't a different person. I then felt myself black out from emotional stress. Thats when something i never wanted Kokichi to wittiness happened. I had lost control of my body. Knowing me or not, Kokichi will never forget...even if his memory returned..... he will blame himself later.

"Eww... what the hell? Did you pass out with your eyes open? Your such a weird one detective." He said

I started laughing and began to mutter things to myself.

"No... she was right he can't be trusted haha.... hes a liar.... a liar, liar, liar! Hahahahaha!!" I said

" Okay your starting to creep me out...." He said

I got up from the floor and had trouble standing. I then faced Kokichi and had a sick smile on my face.

"Hey Kokichi....you wanna play a game?" I laughed

"Uh, haha.... no" he said

"Aw come on.... please~" i said still smiling

"I don't like your current intentions right now..." he said

"Oh you'll like this game~" i said

"What is wrong with you.... i never knew you where like this.... i see why Junko wanted you on our side.... you're just as crazy as her its weird." He said

"Who... is Junko? " i asked

"Shes just someone." He said

"Kokichi... Ima ask you one more time... you wanna play or not." I said

"I said no, God damn it!" He said

"You don't have a choice in the matter." I said

"Then why THE FUCK! did you ask???"  He emphasized

"You got three seconds.....to run." I said reaching behind my desk

"What?" He said

"1.....2...."  I said grabbing a knife i had in a drawer

I pulled out the knife and Kokichi's face went pale....of course I could see all this but couldn't do anything to stop my body... this had been happening more often  and I didn't understand why. Kokichi ran out the door

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now