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Shuichi's pov

After addressing the problem to Kaito, we just sat and started talking about random things. Kaito talked about his job and what he does in his field of work. He kept switching the subject a lot but that was typical of him. We talked for at least an hour. Then after that Kokichi walked in wearing his uniform. He takes the mask off and sets it on the desk.

"Phew its so sweaty in this" he says taking the cape off

"Well its not a surprise because that does seem a little un comfortable" i said

"Anyways, Hey Kaito, its been a while." Kokichi said with a smile

"Yeah it has been.." Kaito responded

"Anything exciting happen yet." Kokichi asked

"No... me and Maki just stay at the house since we have work." He said

"Well hopefully something happens." I said

"Yeah hopefully." Kaito said

"Well something interesting is about to happen in this case we take so don't feel so left out on the fun" Kokichi said enthusiastically

"You make that sound so reassuring..." Kaito stated sarcastically

"Im pretty sure he's just teasing Kaito" i said

"Besides i was just kidding space boy. You take thing too literally and it's honestly funny." Kokichi said

"Whatever Kokichi." He smiled slightly

"Anyways Shuichi, I found some info" Kokichi said waving papers around

"Thank you Kokichi." I said

He hands me the papers and i look at them and realized they were just drawings of me and Kokichi. I looked at him kinda confused.

"Kokichi was that a lie about you getting info?" i said

Kaito looks over my shoulder and sees the drawings i handed Shuichi.

"Why are you screwing around Kokichi?" Kaito said

"I wasn't lying... i have it its just not on paper." Kokichi said

"Then what form is it in?" I said

"Verbal!" He said

"Then lets hear it" i said

"Okay so... this person that is going through your stuff is trying to pass it off as me they even sometimes wear a wig to make people think its me... if you knock off their mask you will see that its a female. They also wont talk if you don't catch their identity but most of the time she is silent. She does this so she can pass off as me." He said

"Huh... thats very interesting.." i said

"But wait how do we know where to find them?" Kaito asked

"Some one has to stay there to catch them..." Kokichi said

"I will... most likely they are probably looking for the killing game report i made. Its probably a remnant of despair if they know we are from the most recent killing game." I said

"You sure you dont want me and Maki to do it? We can both stay there if you want us to." Kaito said

"I'd say yes but there is a problem with space. The whole place is almost filled with paperwork and my detective supplies. There really is only space for one person." I said

"I'll do it. Its not a problem." Kokichi said

"But dont you have things to do here for D.I.C.E?" I said

"I do but my co-leader can take care of things when im gone for the time being. Besides I don't like the fact i have a copy cat." He said

"Okay... as long as your sure." I said

"Alright then its settled. Shuichi if you want me to do something extra than just helping you out with papers and info and backing you up just let me know okay?" Kaito said

"Alright." I said

I looked down at the papers again that Kokichi handed me and smiled. He can be so thoughtful and I appreciate that so much. Honestly i wish i had the comfort of all our friends with us... but then things would have been different. Even so i still appreciate everything that happened except for the killing part. I sighed and looked up back at Kaito and Kokichi. Kokichi just looked at me and smiled as Kaito crossed his arms and looked at me slightly concerned. Kaito looks at his watch and then walks up to me.

"Hey i got to head back to Maki and the house because i hate to leave Maki alone like this..." he said

"Alright i get where your coming from.. you can go anyways thats all I needed to really say" i said

"Okay then well ill see you again soon hopefully." He said

"Sounds goods Kaito, well see ya" i said

"See ya bro." He said walking out the door and closing it.

Kokichi sits down in a chair and looks at me smiling slightly. He seem to not give a damn in the world. He seemed happy at least. When he does go to my apartment it will get lonely here without him. I sighed and Kokichi got up from his chair and walked towards me. He then bent down until his eyes made contact with mine.

"Whats wrong my beloved?" He said

"Im just thinking about the case is all." I said

"I know, but something else is bothering you..." he said

Well.. its hard to fool Kokichi when i dont want him to know something but being honest never hurts. I just don't wanna bring up the fact that I'll be lonely here without him when we put this plan in effect. I guess i have no choice but to tell him because hes good at spotting lies.

"Well i was thinking on how lonely I'll be without you here." I said

Kokichi stood up and looked at me holding a hand out. I then took his hand and he pulled me up out of the chair. I looked at him as he looked at me.

"Shuichi, Don't say that.... just because im not with you for the time I'll be gone doesn't mean your alone. When we get this done we will be together for as long as this lasts. Hell, maybe we might spend eternity together in the after life with everyone we miss dearly. Besides no one is truly ever alone.... If i die before you I'll stay by your side and watch until you pass on." He said

I felt slightly shocked by what he said. I honestly never thought about that. I always sat here and thought if someone dies they are gone and only focus on this world. Kokichi maybe childish but he is also smart at the same time. There is nothing I would change about him. I don't even know how we even connected together but it happened and im so glad it happened.

"I'll keep that in mind then Kokichi. Thanks for that." I said

"Also keep in mind that this is what ties us okay?" He said pointing at his ring

"Okay" i said smiling

"Good..and another thing Shuichi..." he said

"Yeah?" I said

"Never lose hope even if things seem impossible." He said

As he said that i thought i heard Kaito say it. I then realized he quoted him. It sounded so sincere when Kokichi said it. He was not saying it because Kaito probably wanted me to hear it but because he meant it. I looked at Kokichi and gave him a genuine smile.

"Right" i said

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now