Present day

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Kaito's pov

~6 years later~

Life was good for me so far after i got out of the killing game i went back to astronaut training.. i stayed at the astronaut academy for two years and graduated from the training portion.. i then later met up with Maki and we got married when I was roughly 20 we then moved out of my grandparents house and moved to a home with more space just recently. I was also taken into a space program like NASA... they wanted me to work for them as an astronaut. Maki was hired by the president as a bodyguard instead of and assassin like her title. She is sent on military missions for elimination of the enemy. But that's about it. Maki and I are both 22 now. Recently Kiibo's creator put him back together and were able to talk to him again...but as far as it goes for Shuichi... we haven't seen him in a while.. hes always busy but he called me recently and needed to talk with me. He told me to met him at the detective office in the city. It was a 30 minute drive since i lives in the outskirts of the city... i pretty much said fuck it since i had the day off with Maki. We both got into the car and started driving. It honestly had been a while since i had gone to the city but i did enjoy my space out in the edge of town. It was just better for me and Maki. On our way to the city though.... i saw a mysterious figure on top of a tall business building alone with 9 other people it seemed like. It was probably some workers doing roof maintenance but they looked bazaar... I decided to forget about it and then i turned at a light and there was a building that said Saihara Detective Office. I immediately knew that this is the place so i parked on the side of the street and got out of the car. Me and Maki started walking inside and the lady at the front desk stopped us.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked

"No but-" i was cut off

"Then please leave and schedule an appointment" she said rudely

Maki lost her temper and looked at the woman in the eyes

"Listen hear you bitch, let the man finish talking or I will cut out your throat and make sure you don't interrupt him" Maki said aggressively.

The lady cowered in fear and looked at me

"Anyways we came to talk with Shuichi Saihara... he told us to come in and meet up with him." I said

"Uh.. okay whats your name so i can notify him" she asked

"Kaito, Kaito Momota" i said

"Alright one second" she said

She picked up the phone and dialed a number that connected Shuichi on the other line she told him we where here and she nodded and responded in agreement. then she hung up

"Alright then he's ready for you, go down the hall and take a left and his door is on the right. It shouldn't be hard to miss Mr. Momota" she said

Mr. Momota? I wasn't used to that but no one has ever said that. I followed the lady's instructions and headed down the hall and she was right it is hard to miss Shuichi's office. I knocked on the door and waited. Then after a few seconds the door opened and Shuichi looked at us with a smile.

"Welcome, come in." He said signaling us in

"Thank you Shuichi" i said as i walked in with Maki.

"Please take a seat" he said as he sat down at his desk and looked at us as we sat down

"Its been a while Aye Shuichi" i said smiling

"Yeah... its been a long 6 years hasn't it?" He said

"Yeah you will not believe the things we have done in the past 6 years. It seems so unrealistic" i said

"Yeah that it is huh..." he said

"Hey Shuichi what have you done in these six years..." Maki said

"Well now that you mention it, i had to take to take over Saihara Detective office since my uncle who owned this business retired 2 years ago and shortly after died. Its been rough but its not so bad running a Detective office.. what about you and Kaito, Maki?" He asked

"W-well I became a bodyguard and do some military work for eliminating the enemy but thats about it" she said

"I work for a group that is like NASA but i do astronaut work for them from time to time." I said

"Thats cool im glad your guy's talents are sharp as ever" He said

"Oh yeah which reminds me Shuichi" i said

"Huh?" He looked at me

"Kiibo is back around again and hes doing well" i said

"So his creator decided to fix him up?" He said

"Yep! Its so unbelievable that hes still alive" i said smiling

Shuichi starts to look sad and looks down "yeah it is..."

"Im sorry he didn't make it out Shuichi but what can you do?" I said

"True... I shouldn't sulk about it" he said

"Oh I also forgot to mention this but me and Maki got married a while back but we didn't tell anyone" i said

"Oh well... Congrats Kaito I honestly didn't know or figured it out" he said laughing

"Hey guys have you heard anything about Himiko?" Shuichi asked

Me and Maki looked down and didn't say anything but just looked on the floor.

"Shuichi... she died 3 years go..." I explained

Shuichi was taken back and just looked shocked not knowing what to say

"She was almost gonna make it big but she did an act that was so dangerous that she wasn't able to escape and died in the middle of one of her magic acts" I continued

"D-damn thats just so unfortunate... and i missed out all these years with you guys because i was so stuck in Detective work...." he growled at himself

"Oh which reminds me of another thing.. did you ever read Kokichi's Will? I forgot if you did or not because i saw you with an envelope that said it was his will on the front." I mentioned

"Yeah i did why?...." he said

"Eh just asking.. you did love him..." i said

Suddenly shocked look showed on Shuichi's face then it went away rather fast

"Whats wrong Shuichi?..." i said

"Nothing i just remembered something is all.." he explained

"Ok then... also one more thing before we go because Maki has a thing to do here real soon but you do the investigations a round the city right?" I asked

"Yeah why?" He said

"Because I could have sworn i saw a group of people on a roof of a building and I don't know if they are workers or not... they were rather dressed funny" i said

"Well Kaito your actually not the first to tell me that but im glad you did because i need to start investigating that further.. we have been getting a lot of complaints about that." He said

"Yeah it concerned me and im not ever in the city that often" i said

"Yeah i get you" he said

"Welp it was nice to meet up with you again Shuichi... take care okay?" I said

"Yep same goes for you Kaito" he said smiling

"Bye Shuichi" Maki said as she got up and smiled as she waves at him

I opened the door and let Maki walk out first then i walked out the room looked back at Shuichi and gave him a smile before i sut the door. I hope he gets to figure out that case because that roof thing was really weird even for me... and im an astronaut for god sakes.

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now