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Kokichi's pov

Once me and Rantaro left we started heading back to our base but before we did we robbed a few houses just for the thrill of it. It wasn't something we should do but Rantaro said it was a way to spread despair so... it didn't matter to me. When we did get back i went to my room with all the things i took and sat down on my bed. I then put my hand in my pocket and felt something. I take my hand out and see it was the same purple that the Detective gave me. He said his name is Saihara but i don't remember him one bit.... was what he said true? I got up and paced back a forth and questioned myself to see if I remembered him. But all i could remember is my terrible childhood and being in a killing game but me and the remnants of despair were running it. I also remember me and Rantaro growing closer as the years went on when Junko had me and Rantaro working outside of killing games and how over time our bond grew us more closer and closer. I opened the box and and examined the ring carefully. The ring had my name on it but it also had something engraved into it.

'To be forever yours'

It somehow sounded familiar but I couldn't remember.. it drove me slightly crazy to the point i wanted to go back to that detective and ask him about it... I honestly don't remember it at all. But i have to stay away from him... well I should go back to my duties and help out Rantaro and the others. I sighed and put the box down on my desk and figured I'd deal with it later. I then went for the door and some one knocked. Of course i opened it immediately. Rantaro stood out side and looked at me in slight shock.

"Whoa you answered that fast... anyways i came to check up on you." He said

"Oh well im okay Rantaro but thanks." I said

"Okay... i only ask because you froze from what the Detective did." He said

"... oh that.. i just got lost in my thoughts.. it seemed like he wasn't gonna harm me but it seems like he hates you..." i said

"Hes just a little bit of a hot head at times.. but dont worry about him." He said

"Okay as long as your sure Rantaro.." i said smiling slightly

"Of course." he said kissing me 

We both walked down the hall to get to Junko's  throne room. But on the way there I thought about the fact that Rantaro kissed me... it didn't really feel right.. but from what I remember we have done it a few times but this time felt very different. I decided not to think about it that much. We then entered the room to receive our new task.  Junko stepped down from her throne and looked at me intensely for some reason.

"Quick tell me your ultimate talent" Junko said

"Ultimate supreme leader Ms. Enoshima" I replied quickly

"Good... now one more question..if i say "your next assignment is for you to do a suicide mission to kill someone" can you tell that im lying?" She asked

"No i cant" i said

"Alright also thats not your assignment... your too important to me Kokichi." She said putting a hand on my lips

"So what is our assignment?" I said moving her hand away

"You and Rantaro need to go crash this rich man's party and get rid of him as well. Also take her daughter shes and ultimate i want in our group." She said

"Aww yeah we get to wear that really fancy shit huh?" Rantaro said

"Basically but you got to be careful... that detective is gonna be there.... i got some intel from Nagito. He's supposed to be like a bodyguard or something but he's gonna be there." She explained

Some day, I promise you...(A Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara story)Where stories live. Discover now