Chapter 4: Operation: Outbreak Pt. 2

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A/n: I would like to take some time and thank you all for the support on this story. Thanks for over 1000 views! Hope you enjoy the next part.

(Y/n) POV:

'Where am I?'

Around me were the cliff sides of mountains. The air felt dry, and a mild brush covered the area. In my hand was my mother's pistol. However, it wasn't clean. I was covered from head to toe with blood. My eyes blinked. Then piles of bodies appeared around me. Realization kicked in harder than Sledge's hammer.

'Why am I reliving this?'


I had just slaughtered every single rebel soldier. They killed my parents, so I returned the favor. With one bullet in each head. Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind me. I snapped around aiming my weapon. In front of me were about a dozen men in camouflage outfits. They carried assault rifles and modern gear. Their weapons all aimed at me. Then one of the soldiers spoke.

Soldier:"Boss, what do we do with this kid?"

I looked to the man addressed as Boss.

Boss:"Call it in. We're coming back with an extra passenger."

The soldier nodded and radioed in someone. Boss lowered his weapon and held his hand out in peace.

Boss:"Do you speak English?"

I didn't respond. My English was good, but I wasn't sure if these men were to be trusted. However, I only had six rounds left. Reluctantly, I spoke.

"Who are you?"

Boss sighed in relief.

Boss:"Thank god, you speak English. I was sent here to kill these men."

He gestured to the dead rebels.

Boss:"However, you already did my job."

Soldier:"Boss, evac. is on their way."

Boss nodded and looked back at me.

Boss:"Could you lower that weapon?"

I glanced around. If these men wanted to kill me, they would have already. My gun lowered to my side.

Boss:"What's your name?"


I didn't want to give my full name yet.

Boss:"Hello, (Y/n). My name is Mark Syrius."

Flashback end...

My eyes opened. I was lying on a soft bed. The heart beat monitor beat steadily beside me. I blinked several more times to wake myself up. Then I removed the tubes running into my nose. After the uncomfortable process, I sat up to be met with considerable pain. My teeth grit together, and I had to hold in a groan of pain. When the pain subsided, I noticed something. Ash was sitting at my bedside asleep. In her hand was my mother's Jericho pistol.

'Did she keep watch over me?'

I shut off the heart beat monitor before climbing out of bed. My bare feet felt the dirt ground. I walked over and put on some pants, and then returned to Ash. My arms gently lifted her sleeping body and carried her. I walked over to the bed and set her down. She hummed cutely in her sleep. Then I pulled some blankets over her after retrieving the pistol. I looked at the gun in my hands. Ash took good care of it. Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned to see Doc standing there.

One Bullet : A Rainbow Six Siege Story ( Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now