100,000 Views. Thank You

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Dear readers,

Hi, it's Ninjamain. I would like to start off by telling you how I reacted when I saw this story hit 100K views.

I dropped my phone and walked off. That's it.

Anyways, I came back and began writing this "thank you" chapter for you all. This achievement means so much to me, and I still have a hard time grasping the concept.

To think that I started off just writing little fun stories for people around the world to read. Where a few hundred views or a dozen comments was like unbelievable. Look at me now!

I love the Siege community. (To a point.) This makes me so glad to see that lots of people read and enjoy my story. Even though I'm bringing this book to a close, I don't plan on stopping any future R6 stories. Just the acknowledgement you all give me for my hobby is enough to keep me writing.

Thanks again for reading and putting up my prolonged delays to update. Finally, stay tuned for the next chapter. This is where things will get intense, and I'll have a small preview at the end of this letter.

Your grateful author. -Ninjamain


Concrete everywhere. Bullet casings littering the remaining forest. Random fires spread across the land. There seemed to be no life. The only thing remaining were flags from various countries, burning.

Suddenly, a (s/c) hand shot out from the dirt ground. It pulled out a person in tattered and broken armor. His helmet had half of its visor missing, and blood bathed his body. The male eventually stood up tall with the ominous light in the background.

In his right hand was a silver P226. A gun that was dear to him. His holster had a silver Deagle, and his wrist was a broken Spectre scanner. However, what was in his left hand was unsettling.

There were two bloody dog tags dangling from his left hand. The wounded soldier then put away the tags in his chest before pulling out his phone. He dialed a single number, and someone immediately picked up.

"I see you survived. However, there isn't much you can do. You have nothing, you're a wanted international criminal, and I have every government official in the palm of my hands." The person behind the speaker stated confidently.

"There's a famous saying that you should take to heart. Fear not the man that has everything, but the man who has nothing to lose. Guess which one I am?" The soldier replied calmly before crushing the phone with his bare hands.

The soldier then tossed away the broken phone and began walking away. As he left the war zone, everything came into clear view behind him. There lied thousands of bodies stretched out across the large area. Not counting the other thousands buried under the rubble. This was the work of one being.

A reaper from heaven sent to impose God's will.

One Bullet : A Rainbow Six Siege Story ( Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now