Chapter 26: Puppet Master Pt. 2

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A/n: This will finish up the events leading up to the betrayal. Then the main story will come to a close.

(Third Person POV):

White Mask Grunt:"Sir." The terrorist saluted Alistair.

The White Mask grunt approached Alistair and handed him a large case. Alistair opened the case to see samples of the parasite found in Operation Outbreak.

Alistair:"Hmm...what do you have to report on Reaper?" He questioned and pushed away the case without interest.

White Mask Grunt:"He goes by the name, Phoenix, now. Even with all those injuries from his prior battle, he still fights with great ease." He reported. Alistair nodded with a pleased expression.

Alistair:'That means the serum is working. However, I want better.' He thought to himself and dismissed the grunt. Alistair then dialed a number on his phone. Someone picked up.

Thanatos:"Sir?" He greeted.

Alistair:"Monitor him closely. Observe who he spends time most with." He ordered.

Thanatos:"Yes sir." He confirmed, and Alistair hung up. The White Mask leader then exited the room. A familiar male was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Except this time, his body was covered in burn marks and seemed to have a hole in his head.

Alistair:"Syrius, just the man I was looking for." He greeted. Syrius nodded and took a puff from his inhaler.

Alistair:"How would you like to be responsible for one of the worst terrorist attacks since our introduction at the university, and get revenge on (Y/n) at the same time?" He offered. Syrius began to smirk sadistically.

Syrius:"Just tell me when and where boss." He stated excitedly. Alistair pulled out a ticket and a Nintendo tower tour brochure.



It's been months of preparation for the attack in Tokyo. The plan seemed fool-proof, but Alistair thought otherwise. With Syrius failing twice with all the odds on his side, Alistair was sure that Syrius will fail a third time. It was a matter if it was going to be his last time failing.

Alistair:"Begin with dose on subject 793." He said on the intercom. In a metal room was a White Mask soldier strapped down to a metal table. A person in a lab coat walked up to the soldier with a syringe filled with blue liquid. The same on that was injected into (Y/n).

Alistair watched observantly, as the scientist finished administering the dose. Suddenly, the White Mask grunt began to cry out in agony. He spasmed and struggled to break free of his restraints. After a few seconds of screaming in immense pain, he stopped moving and succumbed to Death's grasp.

Alistair:"Subject 793 failed. That's all for today." He announced and stepped away from the control console. Standing nearby was Kyle. He had a smirk plastered on his face.

Kyle:"Told you it wouldn't work. You can't go over 1% of the serum without them dying." He reminded. Alistair nodded.

Alistair:"It only works on (Y/n) so far. What am I missing?" He questioned in deep thought. Only one solution came to mind, but it wasn't enough for Alistair's wants.

Alistair:"Prepare the juggernauts and get ready for infiltration." He ordered. This made Kyle surprised.

Kyle:"Are you sure? This won't make my brother happy." He questioned. Alistair nodded.

Alistair:"Yes. You're brother is too much of a soldier. Eventually, that will come back to bite him. He doesn't have what it takes to make his own decisions." He explained. There had been several times where Thantos refused to kill White Mask grunts and nearly blew his cover. Kyle nodded.

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