Chapter 20: A Trip Down The Memory Lane

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A/n: Just to add to the feels.

(Third Person POV):

Tea party with the princess


Outside of the royal palace in Great Britain were dozens of police cars and officers. The entire estate was surrounded by the authorities and media. Whatever was going on was a national crisis.

Reporter:"We're here live reporting about the terrible incident currently unfolding. A terrorist attack occurred on our very queen's estate, and now one important person is held captive. The princess' life rests in these radical's hands." A brunette reporter lady stated into the camera, but was quickly pushed away by guarding officers. They didn't need the media to create anymore panic than needed.

Meanwhile, under a tent were several heavily armored men. They held gas masks at their side, and the British flag was sewn onto the side of their arm's sleeves. They were the men sent to dissolve the situation.

???:"What do you mean we can't fookin go in?!" An older looking soldier yelled at the commander of the situation. The commander sighed in frustration and pointed towards the building.

Commander:"Sorry Mike, but these cunts are serious. We tried approaching with SWAT, and they killed six of our men. There's no way that they won't try anything if we send you guys in." The commander tried to explain the grim situation to the SAS captain at the scene.

Thatcher:"Well, we've got to do something! Or that lassie in there will get her brains blown out of her head!" He countered. The commander gave Thatcher a defeated look. Before the SAS operator could go off anymore, an armored truck suddenly pulled up next to the tent.

Thatcher:"Who the fuck is it now?" He hissed in annoyance. The trucks rear doors opened to reveal a person with (s/c) skin and was wearing similar gear to the other SAS troops. However, he was much shorter than all of them.

Thatcher:"Who the fuck are you?" He demanded angrily.

Commander:"That's backup." The commander suddenly interjected. Thatcher looked at the man in confusion, so the commander showed Thatcher the tablet with the new orders. This only pissed off the older British male.

Thatcher:"This is some sick joke. Why is this little cunt playing army right now?" He snapped. The shorter soldier then approached the two grown men and saluted.

Reaper:"Agent Reaper reporting in. Command sent me to diffuse the situation." He introduced himself with a young voice.

Immediately right after, Thatcher attempted to grab the boy, but Reaper countered his actions and pressed a knife against Thatcher's neck. This shocked everyone, while Thatcher's subordinates aimed their weapons at Reaper. However, Thatcher held up his hand for them to stand down.

Thatcher:"Not anyone can do that, much less a kid, who the fuck are you?" He questioned. Reaper remained silent at first, but then proceeded to repeat the same statement. This irked the British captain even more.

Thatcher:"Give me one reason to why I should send you in?" He demanded impatiently. Reaper glanced down at the estate's blueprints and stabbed his knife on one area. Thatcher and the commander looked at where Reaper had placed his knife.

Commander:"That might work..." He hummed in thought. Thatcher shook his head in disbelief.

Thatcher:"This is fooking great. First they send in a greenie that hasn't had his balls drop yet. Now he's cross dressing?

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