Chapter HAREM! : Operation: Harem

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A/n: Oh dear! It's the harem! How will (Y/n) face the new and unstoppable enemy? The harem full of women trained to kill? All I can say is (Y/n) will need the Lord more than ever, and Rook's other "protection". Enjoy!

Btw: Thank you for over 16K+ Views! Could have never made it this far without you all. Sniff* You all are the real MVPs!


For the fans!

Btw: Non canon.

Rating: 17+ mostly, but some is 18+ YOU'VE BEEN WARNED

(Y/n) POV:

I sat up awake on my bed. There was loud knocking on my door. My hands rubbed my sleepy eyes. Another nightmare of my family. However, I couldn't dwell on it because whoever was knocking kept doing it. It was starting to annoy me.

Ela:"(Y/n)! Open up!" I heard Ela's voice from behind the door. I swung my legs off my bed and strolled over to the door. My hand twisted the knob and opened the door. Ela's fist smacked me in the nose, and I took in a sharp, pained breath.

Ela:"I'm so sorry!" She apologized and looked extremely guilty. Worry was plastered across her face, as she gently caressed my nose. Finally, she removed her hand and kissed me on the nose. I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"What was that for?" I asked, while Ela began to turn red.

Ela:"N-Nothing. Just kissing the wound like my mother would used to." She explained and fidgeted around with her hands behind her back. "It's supposed to help lessen the pain. She added.

"Uh. Thank you then." I replied. Ela smiled and turned even more scarlet. My eyes narrowed at the sight.

'Those symptoms are back again. They're spreading. I'll have to speak with Doc.' I thought to myself. Then I placed my hand on Ela's forehead to check her temperature. It was cool, but Ela still looked more red. Maybe even flustered.

Ela:"(Y/n). W-What are you doing?" She stuttered. I hummed to myself and removed my hand.

"Checking your temperature. There seems to be a new disease going around where people turn red. Especially women." I answered. Ela gave me a bewildered look before facepalming.

Ela:"Oh dear..." She said tiredly. Ela then removed her hand and blushed once again. Her eyes went wide and her face turned scarlet. I started to grow even more concerned.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked concerned. She nodded slowly and took in a sharp breath. Her eyes were looking downward, so I looked down as well. There was a large bulge in my boxers. That was odd.

Ela:"Umm. I-Is..." She couldn't form sentences.   There was something going on. There shouldn't be a bulge there. I decided to head to Doc. I grabbed some pants and slipped them on before exiting the room. Ela was still beet red.

"I'm heading over to Doc. There seems to be many medical epidemics." I told her. However, Ela didn't respond. She seemed to be distant and was drooling. I shook my head and made my way to the infirmary.

Along the way, I walked past many recruits. I would usually greet them with a simple wave or hello, and they would do the same. However, today was very different. The men reacted the same, but the women were acting VERY odd. The female recruits would squeal with joy when I greeted them, or they would make kissing gestures towards me. I didn't understand. They all turned red as well. We might have an outbreak within base. I then was interrupted from my thoughts when I arrived at the infirmary. I opened the door and entered. Doc was currently looking through some boxes.

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