Chapter 14: Date Night

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A/n: I know that I haven't updated this story in quite a while. The next chapter is still in progress and is long. I'm backed up with school, so I wanted to take my time with the next one. This is to ensure it will not be rushed. I hope you all understand, and here's something to keep you all entertained.

Thanks for 40K+ views.

(Y/n) POV:

Echo:"Bro! Tell me your secrets!" The Japanese operator demanded from me. His eyes were staring at me with panic. I patted Echo on his shoulder to reassure him.

"You'll be fine. Just tell her how you feel." I told him sternly. Echo bit his lip from nervousness.

He was currently going through a predicament. Echo wanted to ask Twitch out on a date, but didn't know how. His past relationships didn't go quite well, so he was really worried about how this one goes. Out of all people, he chose to come to me. Mostly because I'm in a relationship with two of the most beautiful women on the entire base. At least to me.

Echo interrogated every male operator for tips and tricks. So far, he's received similar results to my answer. The man began pacing around anxiously. He constantly muttered to himself about possible solutions and strategies. I just watched and silently hoped that he would just accept my answer. Suddenly, someone walked over beside me.

Ela:"What's gotten into him?" She asked curiously. I turned to see Ela and Dokkaebi. They were both looking at the slowly breaking SAT operator.

"Masaru is having problems with how to ask out Emma." I told the two ladies. Ela and Dokkaebi began to giggle.

Dokkaebi:"Oh, Masaru. He will never learn that being straightforward is the way to go." She stated with a smile.

Ela:"Well, men are sometimes dense." She added in while looking right at me. I shrugged.

"At least I admitted my feelings in the end." I replied. Ela scoffed, while Dokkaebi squealed.

Dokkaebi:"That's so romantic!!! I'm totally writing a Wattpad story about this!" She exclaimed excitedly. I sighed, and Ela rolled her eyes. Echo then ran over to us, and flinched when he saw Dokkaebi.

Echo:"Grace! What are you doing here?" He questioned nervously. Dokkaebi smirked at Echo and leaned in closely.

Dokkaebi:"I heard you're trying to woo another lady. Try not to break her heart too." She playfully teased. Echo grew flustered and pointed at Dokkaebi.

Echo:"That's unfair! We had a mutual agreement!" He countered. Dokkaebi shrugged in response. Echo ruffled his hair and then snapped his fingers.

Echo:"I know! I'll be like Kakashi Hatake! He's cool, and I can make my hairdo look like his. I'll invite her to a nice place and then be late. Once I'll show up, I'll say I got lost on the path of life! Genius!" He shouted with confidence. We all gained deadpanned looks.

Dokkaebi:"Such a weab..." She muttered and shook her head. Ela sighed, as she pinched he bridge of her nose.

Ela:"Masaru. Just be yourself. You don't need to act like an anime character to have Emma like you. I think she already likes you." She assured the Japanese man. Echo looked at Ela in surprise.

Echo:"You really think so?" He asked with hope. Ela smiled and nodded.

Ela:"I know so. Now go and get her." She encouraged. Echo beamed with confidence before running off to find his French crush. We all sighed before looking at each other.

Dokkaebi:"Does Emma really like him though?" She asked curiously. Ela nodded.

Ela:"If Emma isn't ranting on about how her drone is a masterpiece or how people make fun of her drone that doesn't jump, Masaru is the main topic." She said in slight annoyance. I smiled in happiness for him. Those two would make a good couple. I think.

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