Chapter 23: Reunited

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A/n: Damn! 160K+ Without further delay! Let's go!!!

Third Person POV:

Thanatos:"How do you lose track of a pregnant blonde and a retard?" The White Mask leader yelled in anger at his subordinates.

White Mask:"I'm sorry sir, but they are not at the house. We searched the forest and found nothing." He apologized in a fearful tone. Thanatos let out a frustrated sigh and raised his hand. The soldier flinched in fear of getting struck, but Thanatos just patted his shoulder.

Thanatos:"It's all right." He assured, which slightly surprised the lower terrorist, but then the sound of a gun being fired went off. Blood sprayed all over Thanatos' uniform, and the terrorist who brought him the bad news fell to the ground dead. The other White Masks watched in silence.

Thanatos:"The next person that brings me bad news will face much worse. Understand?!" He yelled angrily.

White Masks:"YES SIR!" They shouted in unison before running off to fufill their duties. Thanatos nodded in approval and holstered his weapon.

Thanatos:"Now for these idiots." He grumbled and began walking towards a house in the middle of the woods. Bodies of other White Masks laid strewn everywhere. However, there was something different, they all wore military uniforms from different countries. Not their typical biohazard attire.

Thanatos entered the house that had been laid siege to. Bullet casings, blood, and bodies where everywhere, but Thanatos walked past them and upstairs. There he met two White Mask guards, who stood aside, as the man entered the room.

Juan:"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" His screamed erupted, as Thanatos entered the room. There, Juan's bloody finger fell to the ground. It had been freshly cut off.

Thanatos:"I see they started without me. How is it? Are you ready to talk?" He questioned in a calm tone, and approached Juan. The Hispanic soldier sat bound in the metal chair. His face was beaten and bruised. A pool of blood gathered at his feet, no doubt his own.

Juan:"Apestas mis huevos cabrón." He spat blood on Thanatos' face. Thanatos merely smirked and punched Juan's face. The force was so great, that it sent his body flying and crashing through the wall. Juan's body partially hanged outside the building.

Thanatos:"I guess not." He stated like nothing happened and turned to the men cleaning the bloody saws.

Thanatos:"Do whatever you please with him, and then kill him." He ordered, and the butchers nodded before Thanatos left the room. He walked across the hall and opened the door slightly.

Thanatos:"Almost done in there?" He questioned tiredly. Inside the room was Slav unconscious. Beside his body were jugs of various chemicals. Ranging from ammonia to sulfuric acid.

White Mask:"We're just about to clean up, Thanatos. The only information he gave us was the forest, but we already knew that." He reported. Thanatos nodded and left the room. A few seconds later, the sound of two muffled gunshots went off. Juan's screams stopped filling the air.

Thanatos:"Onto the last one." He entered the last room. In the room sat Bridge completely unrestrained. He just sat completely still staring wide eyed at something. His expression was completely mortified.

Thanatos:"I see treatment is working. How are we doing Bridge?" He asked casually and rested his elbow on the male like they were friends. However, Bridge just toppled over from the added weight, but his eyes remained open. Thanatos let out a sad sigh.

Thanatos:"I guess it worked too well. Syrius was always the one better at this." He shook his head in disappointment and looked at where bridge was staring.

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