Chapter 13: Operation: Motherland

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A/n: Over 29.5K views! You all are the best! Hope you enjoy this next one. Should he more interesting stuff. Sorry about the wait. 😬

Warning. Spicy stuff!


10 year old (Y/n) POV:

Dad:"Now son, what do you do if an enemy sniper is 3km away?" My father asked me. I looked up at him before returning to my sniper.

"Take a deep breath. Clear my mind. Then aim less than 1 degrees over the target." I answered. He nodded in approval.

Dad:"Good. If you make this shot, there will be something in it for you." He told me sincerely. I now had to make the shot. My dad rarely gave me anything, but they would always be awesome gifts. I followed the steps exactly, like I practiced. Deep breath, clear my mind, aim less than one degree over the target. Finally...

'Fire.' I thought, as I pulled the trigger. I watched the .50cal bullet travel down the range. It had a tracer particle, so my father and I could monitor the bullet. No wind or anything could deter its path. Finally, I watched the bullet penetrate through the metal target.

Dad:"Hit." He stated loud and clear. I exhaled the air that I've been holding in. Then I turned to face my father, and he gave me a thumbs up.

Dad:"Good. Now do it again." He commanded. My mouth dropped in shock. A smirk formed on his lips, and I shook my head.

"Not funny." I replied, and my father chuckled. He helped me up to my feet and patted my pack.

Dad:"To me it was. You should have seen the look on your face." He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes. My father would always pull a joke like this. It was amusing at first, but when he applied the joke into every aspect of life, it sucked. Despite my father being in a good mood, his face turned serious all of a sudden.

"Something wrong?" I asked curiously. He looked at me sternly.

Dad:"Even though that was a joke, you know that you may need to pull off that shot one day?" He told me seriously. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. I know." I answered believing him. My father patted my shoulder and began leading me somewhere.

Dad:"Good. I have something to show you." He told me with a little excitement. I grew curious and excited myself too. The two of us walked to our armory. After going through three security measures, the door clicked open. My father opened the door and flicked on the light switch. The lights illuminated a large bunker full of various weapons. Pistols, knives, grenades, rifles, rocket launchers, anything you can name.

"So. Gone shopping without mom's consent?" I asked him jokingly. My dad flashed me a grin. He had been doing it again.

Dad:"Now remember. That's a secret between the two of us." He reminded me. I nodded. The two of them had the same shopping habit and secret, so I was playing double agent.

"Lips sealed." I replied. My father nodded, and the two of us walked to the end of the bunker. On the table was a long gun box. I looked at it curiously, as my father stood beside it.

Dad:"Here is your reward." He stated happily. I walked over and opened the clips. Then my hands swung open the container. Glee completely overwhelmed me. I looked at the weapon in shock.

 I looked at the weapon in shock

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