Chapter 22: The Setup

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A/n: This chapter is long overdue, but I finally found some time to finish up the next chapter to this book. Sorry for the delay, and I hope you enjoy. :)

PS: Thank you for the continuous support. 145K views! Woo hoo!


???:"Monika....." The muffled sound of a familiar voice called out to me. However, my eyes remained shut, and I could only see darkness.

???:"Monika...." The same person repeated my name. This time, I forced my eyes to start blinking. It was blurry and dim, but I could begin to see things.

???:"Monika...." I finally opened my eyes to see a blurry figure crouched in front of me. Once my eyesight adjusted, I could see who it clearly was.

"(Y/n)?" I murmured sleepily. A warm smile then formed on my boyfriend's lips.

(Y/n):"Hey, what are you doing out here?" He asked in a curious tone. I groaned tiredly, but something suddenly clicked.

"Where am I?!" I suddenly questioned and sat up abruptly. My eyes darted around for danger, but I couldn't see anything but forestry and (Y/n) before me.

(Y/n):"What do you mean? We're home." He answered with a puzzled look. I turned to (Y/n).

"Home?" I repeated in an uneasy tone. (Y/n) nodded.

(Y/n):"Yeah, home. Are you okay, Monika? Are you not feeling well?" He asked with a concerned tone. I didn't answer and tried to stand up, but my legs gave out from under me. However, (Y/n) caught me before I fell to the ground.

(Y/n):"Dear, are you okay?" His tone beginning to grow more panicked. I held my temples in pain and shook my head.

"No. No! The White Masks attacked, and our baby is in danger! We have to keep moving!" I admitted to (Y/n) hurriedly. (Y/n) gave me a confused look.

(Y/n):"What? You mean what happened a year ago?" He questioned. I froze and looked at (Y/n).

"A year ago?" I questioned. He nodded in response.

(Y/n):"After the attack, everyone regrouped and took down the White Masks. After that, we retired and decided to settle here." He explained. My eyes then widened.

"Wait. Then that means-"


I was cut off by the sound of a baby's cry. (Y/n) and I turned to see Ash approaching us with something bundled in her arms.

Ash:"The little one is hungry." The redheaded woman notified and stopped in front of me. I didn't respond because my attention was solely pinpointed in what was in Ash's arms.

'Little one?' I silently thought and stepped towards Ash. However, I felt (Y/n) lightly tug on me.

(Y/n):"Wait. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked with concern. Ash's eyes then narrowed.

Ash:"What's wrong?" She wondered. I shook my head.

"I'm fine. Please, may I?" I requested and gestured to the bundle in Ash's arms.

Ash:"You don't need to ask. After all...." She trailed off and gently handed me the bundle. I secured the bundle and began to peek at what was there. Anxiety and excitement sped up my heart rate.

Ash:"You're the mom." She finished her sentence. I peeked in and my eyes widened in terror.

"W-Wha-Wha-" I began to stammer and panic.

(Y/n):"What's wrong dear?" (Y/n) asked worriedly and placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked back and forth frantically.

"What do you mean 'what's wrong'?!?!" I screamed like a mad woman. Inside the bundle was just blood and a tiny corpse. (Y/n) tilted his head in confusion.

One Bullet : A Rainbow Six Siege Story ( Male Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ