Chapter 7.

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Lucas's POV

I saw the fear in her eyes and it made me feel a little cold. I almost wanted to hug her, she was so shaken and stuttering so much I almost didn't understand what she was saying.

After she left I put Caleb and Cathy to sleep.

Both were reluctant to sleep and kept giving excuses.

"We want to wait for mommy and daddy."

"We're not sleepy."

"We want to watch one more show."

and so on.

When they finally slept I was relieved. Goodness Bianca had to deal with this every night? I wondered.

Just then Gen and Ben walked in looking tired and beat. "Did you teach my kids any new 'colorful' words?" Gen fired.

"Any broken limbs?" Ben pressed.

"Any missing limbs?" Gen added.

"Oh yeah! Nice to see you too, I'm fine thanks for asking!" I replied.

"You guys look beat I'm gonna get going." I said picking up my Jacket. I sat down to put on my shoes and heard Gen and Ben talking about Bianca. I couldn't help but listen to what they were saying.

Her mom wasn't well so she had to leave, I already knew that. "Do any of you know which hospital she's gone to." I asked.

"Yeah! She's at Princess Marina Hospital!" Gen replied looking at me funny, I couldn't tell what that look was but I knew the wheals her head were churning.

"Okay people, I'm leaving." I said.

Gen hugged me and I gave Ben a good old fist bump and left.

I got into my car with the intention of driving home but I found myself in parking lot of Princess Marina Hospital. There were probably thousands of people here and I didn't know how I would find her but here goes nothing.

I got out the car and headed to the emergency room front desk, I then went to the waiting room. There weren't many people but it wasn't quite empty either. Some slept, some tossed and turned on the uncomfortable seats that they used as beds and some just sat looking sad and depressed.

"Excuse me miss, where can I find Bianca?" I asked.

She looked up at me ogling me from waist up. I'm sure if she could see the bottom half of me she would ogle it too.

"Sir, can I get a surname?" She said batting her eye lashes.

"Umm..." I tried to remember her surname but I couldn't remember.

"She came her a few hours ago her mom was brought here." I gave her this information hoping it would help.

"Hmmm... Let me see what I can do for you she said." She turned to her computer and typed some stuff.

She scooted closer to me through the counter bushing her chest out.

"Well, there has been a Bianca with a mother in critical condition but she hasn't gotten a room assigned yet." she replied.

I felt kind of dumb, how could i even think i could her?

" Thank you." I mumbled.

I was making my way out, at the corner of my eye i spotted her laying peacefully on a chair.I rushed her sleeping figure and nudged her awake.

"Bianca." I whispered, gently shaking her shoulder, she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Lucas??" She questioned.

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