5. Pranksters

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After a hard day of work, Steel Hammer was generous enough to invite Star Twinkle for a drink. They were both having some juice in a nearby restaurant in Ponyville and talked about some casual stuff. But in the middle of the conversation, Steel Hammer got distracted by something. He looked in Star Twinkles direction who was drinking his juice at the moment but he noticed the look he received from him.

"What?" He said while interrupting his drink.

Steel Hammer was puzzled for a second but then he quickly took out some bits and gave them to Star Twinkle. "I am still a little thirsty so how about you get us both one more drink? It's on me of course," he insisted.

Star Twinkle was wondering why Steel Hammers behavior was changing all of the sudden but didn't think too much about it. He went to the counter to get two drinks and returned to the table. He placed the drinks on the table and noticed how Steel Hammer gave him a very wide grin making Star Twinkle very suspicious.

"What?" He asked once again.

"Nothing," Steel Hammer replied while trying to keep a straight face.

Star Twinkle grew more and more suspicious of Steel Hammers behavior and wanted to ask him why he acted so strange but as soon as he sat down a loud farting sound echoed from Star Twinkle. There was an awkward silence at the table until Steel Hammer started to laugh at Star Twinkle who felt very embarrassed at the moment.

"Hey! that wasn't me!" He insisted while trying to act calm.

He suddenly noticed that his seat felt weird and that he was sitting on something. It was a whoopee cushion that made the fart sound. He picked it up and looked at it weird but then he heard some laughter behind him so he turned around. He saw Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash who giggled at him.

"Does that belong to you?" He asked while lifting the cushion.

"Yep," Pinkie said while still laughing. "Your reaction was hilarious," she added.

"Thanks for not blowing us out Mr. Steel Hammer," Rainbow Dash said.

"No problem girls," he said giving them a wide grin and waving at them.

They waved back at them and left, probably searching for another victim for another prank. Meanwhile, Star Twinkle laid down the cushion and sat down again.

"You knew about this?" He asked Steel Hammer while giving him an annoyed look.

"Yeah, they put it on your chair while you got us the drinks," Steel Hammer explained.

"That would explain why you were grinning so much after I came back," Star Twinkle said.

"Oh come on, it was just a harmless prank," Steel Hammer said, trying to calm down Star Twinkle who seemed to be a little annoyed.

Star Twinkle was looking around him and noticed that there were like two or three other ponies sitting outside of the restaurant so the audience for that prank was not that big. He looked at the cushion in with a weird expression on his face.

"I guess," Star Twinkle replied in a monotone voice.

After spending some time outside of the restaurant Star Twinkle and Steel Hammer parted. It was still early and Star Twinkle didn't know what to do, so he aimlessly wandered through Ponyville. Maybe somepony would like to spend some time with him. He actually came across somepony he knew, it was Fluttershy who ran towards Star Twinkle. Star Twinkle hesitated a second to try and get her attention since he hasn't spoken to her that much and she didn't seem like a pony with whom you would have long in-depth conversations but he had to start somewhere so he decided to call her out.

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