21. You gotta share...

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In the south of Equestria, a town named Appleloosa was built recently and Star Twinkle along with his friends was given the task to provide one of Sweet Apple Acres apple trees to their local orchard.

Since nopony of them except Applejack were in Appleloosa before, they agreed to come along. They had to travel by train since it was quite a distance to Appleloosa. It was getting dark already outside while they were only half there.

Star Twinkle wanted to get some sleep till they arrived but Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were still up talking, bothering Star Twinkle, Rarity, and Spike, who tried to get some sleep.

"Would you mind? I'm trying to sleep here!" Star Twinkle exclaimed before turning around in his bed.

"Yeah, I was up early fire-roasting those snacks you're all eating, and I'm pooped!" Said Spike, who was referring at the popcorn that some of them were eating now.

"Uh, speaking of, some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped," said Rainbow Dash teasingly.

To which Spike replied with a fire breath aimed at Rainbow Dash's popcorn, burning it to crisps.

Spike seemed grumpy too when not getting enough sleep. Star Twinkle was looking back at his days where he was mostly sleeping through the day because he didn't know what else to do. But now, with his new friends, almost every day keeps him busy and sometimes his sleep has to suffer from that. This exact moment just reminded him.

Eventually, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy decided to dim the lights and went to sleep as well much too Star Twinkle's approval.

But the four ponies were still talking in the dark, sadly it was loud enough so that Star Twinkle could hear them.

"Psst! Pinkie Pie, you asleep yet?" Rainbow Dash whispered.

"No, are you asleep yet?" Pinkie Pie whispered back.

"If I was sleeping, how could I have asked you if you if you were asleep?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Oh yeah!" Pinkie Pie replied, giggling in response.

Star Twinkle, of course, heard everything and tried to ignore it and tried to fall asleep with little success.

"When we get to Appleloosa, you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all the way from the train to the orchard?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What tree? You mean Bloomberg?"

"No, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash sarcastically replied

"Fluttershy's not a tree, silly!" Pinkie Pie replied, not picking up on Rainbow Dash's sarcasm.

"Can't they discuss, whatever they are talking about on the next day?" Thought Star Twinkle.
Even Twilight seemed to join, Pinkie Pie's and Rainbow Dash's conversation, much to Star Twinkles dislike.

"What's going on?" asked Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree!" Pinkie Pie explained.

"I do not think she's a tree! I was just–" Rainbow Dash replied frustrated.

"Did you say she was a tree?" asked Twilight confused.

"No. Well... Yes. But not exactly–" Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

"Ya know she's not a tree, right?" asked Twilight in all seriousness.

"She's not a tree, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie added.

"I'd like to be a tree..." Fluttershy said, who also overheard the conversation.

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship (MLP remake with male OC added)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum