75. Lying Rainbow

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With the Equestria Games, the biggest sports event in all of Equestria not too far away anymore, it was now time to determine which teams would attend the games. For that, some of the teams first had to qualify. This qualification took place in a place called "Rainbow Falls".

Rainbow Dash and her team, who were presenting Ponyville in the Equestria Games, were heading to Rainbow Falls as well. It is located in the far northeast of Equestria, and really close to the Crystal Empire so it took quite a while to reach this place by train but in order to support Rainbow Dash and her team, Star Twinkle and the rest of his friends all accompanied them as well.

As far as Star Twinkle knew, the rest of Rainbow Dash's team consisted of Fluttershy and some really big and tough-looking and muscular Pegasus stallion called Bulk Biceps. For some reason, Star Twinkle was not sure why this was the team that was supposed to be representing Ponyville. Rainbow Dash made perfect sense, but Fluttershy didn't. Of course, she was capable if needed but being in the official team of Ponyville? Saying that she was the perfect candidate would be kind of a stretch but then he remembered that with Rainbow Dash in the team any team could have the potential to win.

But Star Twinkle didn't want to come to any rash conclusions so he decided to check out the third member of the team. He didn't even know this Bulk Biceps and since he was bound to spend time with him on this "trip" too, he figured that he should introduce himself to him. But as usual, Star Twinkle had a hard time with the whole "meeting new ponies" thing and got a little nervous.

Star Twinkle found the stallion sitting next to Fluttershy...or rather...sitting on Fluttershy. She somehow didn't seem to mind it though. This guy was almost three times the size of the mare and took up over half of a seat that was meant for two ponies to sit on due to his muscle mass. He had a white coat, a short blonde mane, and red eyes. His Cutie Mark was a Dumb-Bell which combined with the huge muscle mass of this pony was indicating that he probably did a lot of work out. This pony also had considerably tiny wings that didn't look like as if they were even able to take this guy up in the air. He also had a small earring in his right ear.

Fluttershy managed to free herself a little and was now sitting right next to this guy, making this situation a little more normal and approachable for Star Twinkle. "Hey," Star Twinkle greeted in order to start a conversation. "You are part of the Ponyville team, right?"

"YEAH!!" The stallion replied. "We're gonna WIN for Ponyville!" He screamed across the whole train.

Star Twinkle didn't know what to reply to that but he kept smiling nervously and tried to keep the conversation going. "I assume you are very a good..." he stopped in mid-sentence once he looked at this Pony's almost embarrassingly small wings. "...flyer?"

For some reason, Bulk didn't get offended or anything after Star Twinkle pointed that out and instead raised his chin proudly as if he just heard a big compliment. Star Twinkle decided to leave it like that. Bulk Biceps seemed nice despite his intimidating size so Star Twinkle didn't have to worry too much about getting along with him and joined up with Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

Twilight couldn't help but compliment Rainbow Dash for being part of the team that didn't have the best flyers. She was obviously coming to the same conclusion as Star Twinkle when it came to the Ponyville team.

Rainbow Dash, of course, accepted that compliment and actually managed to show modesty while also bragging about her skills at the same time. "Nothing nice about it. I know that I can pick up the slack for anypony. With me on the team, we'll qualify. I'm sure of it," she said confidently.

There was no denying that Rainbow Dash couldn't make up for some weaknesses but with ponies like Fluttershy and a pony who's wings need to carry a large mass of muscle like Bulk Bicep's she really needed to make up for much. Star Twinkle was just happy that he was left out of being a member of the actual team, it sounded like a lot of work and pressure which he really didn't need. Instead, he was just there to support them in the from the background, just the way he liked it. But not only he was there for support, but all of his friends also tried to support the three flyers in their own way.

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