113. Re-Marked - Part 1

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It was one of these days again where Star Twinkle would have stayed home, figuring out what to do with the rest of the day. But instead, he got the chance to listen to Twilight talking for hours now. She had the opportunity to give a speech to a bunch of magic students and wanted to make sure that she would be well-prepared. This is where Star Twinkle came in. Along with Spike, he was tasked to listen to Twilight's speech so that she would get some practice in.

"If somepony had told me when I was a blank flank that one day I'd give a speech to a class at Celestia's School of Magic, I wouldn't have believed it, but I hope that I have been up to the task because I can tell that all of you are and that the future of Equestrian magic is in good hooves," she said, concluding her speech.

Spike was clapping after the speech was done. "Wow, hehe. That was even better than...the first eleven times," Spike complimented.

The little dragon expected Star Twinkle to clap for Twilight as well but to his surprise, the stallion was fast asleep right next to him. Spike had no choice but to push the stallion to make him wake up again.

"Eh? Wu-what?" Star Twinkle cleverly responded before he realized that Twilight's speech was over. "Oh! That was good! Better than the first ten speeches!"


"Eleven!" Star Twinkle corrected.

Luckily, Twilight was so caught up in her practice that she did not notice how the stallion was just now waking up. "Eh, I don't know. I'd like to be able to get through the whole speech without looking at the cards," Twilight explained, something that the two did not like to hear.

"Come on, Twilight! You can't be nervous about giving a speech to a bunch of magic students!" Spike pointed out.

"Oh, I'm not nervous, Spike," Twilight replied. "But I do have to set a good example, especially for magic students. That's why this speech has to be..."

Spike let out a sigh. "Perfect?"

"Exactly," Twilight replied happily. "Let's go through it one more time," she suggested before she began clearing her throat and started the speech again.

Star Twinkle groaned heavily. He began sitting back on his seat again and made sure to take another nap. He already could tell the speech himself a6 this point. This was all Twilight being too prepared for something that Star Twinkle was sure she could ace through anyway. The only reason why Star Twinkle still "listened" to her was so that she would feel more confident and safer. But having to listen to her for hours was just boring and making him wish that the speech would already be over.

Later that day...

The time for the official speech was finally here. To Star Twinkle's surprise, the whole town hall was filled with young ponies who actually seemed rather interested in Twilight's speech, which, of course, she managed to do without any problems. It would have been a surprise if she would make a mistake at all, considering that she spent half of the day repeating that speech to Star Twinkle and Spike.

Speaking of those two, they still had a hard time keeping their eyes open during the speech. Having a whole room filled with eager magic students didn't change the fact that it was still the same speech that the two have listened to for what felt like a hundred times. It did make it easier to take a nap during all of this though.

All eyes and ears were focused on Twilight while she was giving her speech while a projector, that Star Twinkle and Spike took care of, was showing some pictures behind her. Fittingly, the current picture was showing the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

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