89. A Friend from the Past - Part 1

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It was a beautiful sunny day in Ponyville...
The wind was softly blowing through the streets...
It was perfect to take a walk around the town...

So that is exactly what Star Twinkle did. When a day is this nice, then even he thought that it would be a good idea to walk around town instead of staying home. At least that's what he told himself, actually he didn't remember why he was walking through town on his own. But despite that, he looked around and watched how everypony was enjoying this day.

But he then suddenly stopped in his way after he hit his front hoof against something. He was too busy looking around himself that he didn't even notice anything and looked down to check what he stumbled across but he was shocked and confused as soon as he saw what it was.

It was an unconscious pony...

He hit his hoof against a Pegasus stallion that was laying down in front of him. Next to this pony, there was another pony, a Pegasus mare, laying on the ground as well. The next thing that happened, was a flash running through Star Twinkle's brain, causing him to grab his head and closing his eyes due to the pain that was rushing through his head. The pain didn't last too long though and Star Twinkle opened his eyes again. But as soon as he did...the whole town was on fire.

The houses were burning and ponies were running away in fear. There was also something going on with the two ponies in front of him. It was as if magic was being sucked out of them, right into Star Twinkle, who noticed that he had a horn on his forehead.

Star Twinkle wanted, whatever was happening now, to stop but his attention was caught by someone shouting his name.

"Star Twinkle!" A male voice shouted towards him.

Star Twinkle wanted to see who it was but as soon as his head turned towards that pony, all he could see was a white light, that kept him from identifying this pony. Soon, this white light was everywhere, blinding Star Twinkle and making it unable to see anything now.

After all that, multiple scenes played inside Star Twinkle's head, they were passing so so quickly however that he didn't have time to think about them. All he could do was watch them playing in front of his eyes.


"Are you sure that you don't want to live in Canterlot with us?" Star Twinkle's mother, Rainfall Twinkle asked.

"Yeah, we may not be able to see each other that often if you decide to stay here," Star Twinkle's father Sunny Twinkle added.

But Star Twinkle shook his head in response. "I'm sure. I can't leave Ponyville. This is where my-"


"We are seeing each other again, right?" Star Twinkle asked towards a group of ponies.

"Of course, what kind of question is that?" One of the ponies replied confused.


A rainbow came shooting right towards Star Twinkle, causing him to duck in fear to get hit by it. In the midst of this attack, however, there were a few words that he could hear.

"You are me...and I am you..." a male voice said towards him.


"Run!...stay away from me!" Star Twinkle shouted towards two Pegasus ponies in front of him, in the middle of the road of Ponyville.

The two ponies didn't know how to react and were just confused by the stallion's behavior. Before they knew it, Star Twinkle grabbed his head and dropped to his knees, causing the two to get worried. Eventually, Star Twinkle raised his head again and looked at them, his eyes turning from a light green color to a red color.

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship (MLP remake with male OC added)Where stories live. Discover now