111. The Smokey Mountains

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At the Iron Hammer...

In the middle of the day, Star Twinkle and Steel Hammer were setting up everything for the rest of their workday. Steel Hammer was carrying a cart filled with tools and wooden boards and pulled it next to the entrance to the workshop before wiping away some sweat from his forehead. This cart was clearly meant to be pulled by two stallions given how many things were on it.

"That is a lot of stuff..." Star Twinkle said, sensing a lot of work marching towards him.

"It sure is!" Steel Hammer said. "Today we are going all around Ponyville to make some inspections. Mainly on almost every building where we worked on so far, which is a lot," the stallion admitted much to his own surprise.

"Great..." Star Twinkle replied with a nervous smile on his face.

This all sounded like a lot of work, a lot of work for Star Twinkle that is. He is gonna be very exhausted by the end of the day, this much he could tell, which is why he was not looking forward to all of this. Secretly, Star Twinkle was praying to Princess Celestia herself that something would come up that would prevent him from this exhausting day of work. Then, by some weird and fortunate coincidence, something actually did come up.

Twilight, who appeared in a magic flash in front of the two stallions was looking around the place confused until her eyes made contact with Star Twinkle's.

"You!" She said.

"Me!?" Star Twinkle replied confused.

The mare then grabbed his shoulder. "You. Come with me!" She said before she used her magic to teleport herself and Star Twinkle away from the scene.

Needless to say, this sudden appearance of Twilight confused Steel Hammer. The stallion looked at the pile of work that was supposed to be shared between him and Star Twinkle and there was a heavy sigh coming from him as soon as he realized that he had to do it all on his own now.

"Welp...gotta start early I guess..." Steel Hammer said before he decided to get to work, feeling a little bit abandoned right about now. He couldn't say that he was too surprised about this though since it happened quite often after Star Twinkle befriended the girls.


Star Twinkle and Twilight appeared inside the castle, in the throne room to be exact. Inside there, Fluttershy was already present as well. Of course, everything was going a little too fast for Star Twinkle to figure out exactly what was going on but soon he started to get a pretty good idea. It took him not too much time to notice how the flanks of Twilight and Fluttershy were both glowing, meaning that they were called by the map just like the rest of their friends before. That meant that Star Twinkle was invited to go along with them.

Twilight didn't even bother explaining the situation and went towards a bookshelf in one corner of the room to fetch some books that she put inside some bags standing not too far away from her. It was just now that Star Twinkle realized what a mess this room was, there were books scattered all over the place and things written on blackboards which looked like some kind of formulas that the stallion didn't even remotely understand. What he did understood though was why the place was in this state. Knowing Twilight, she probably did a lot of research to prepare herself for this trip.

"I bet you are pretty excited to be finally called by the map, judging by how this place looks," Star Twinkle guessed.

"Of course, I am!" Twilight said in a highly excited tone. "Ever since the map called us, I've been doing a ton of research," she added before she teleported all over the room to show how her preparing looked like. "Testing out potential friendship problems. Diversifying my solution portfolio..."

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