88. The Games

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The day was finally here...
The day that many have waited for so long...
The biggest sports event in all of Equestria...
The Equestria Games!

It's like it was yesterday when Star Twinkle and his friends were in Rainbow Falls to train for this very event and qualified Ponyville for the games. Not only took it some very hard work to get to this point, but some ponies also couldn't wait to finally participate in the Equestria Games.

Of course, one of those ponies was Rainbow Dash. While the group was riding the train to the Crystal Empire, almost everypony who participates in the games was already warming up to be in top form and high spirits. Something that Rainbow Dash really liked to see.

"Listen up, gang! We're almost there, so I've got a few things to say," the mare said, getting everyponies attention in the process. "First off, who here besides me thinks this is the best Equestria Games delegation in Ponyville history?" She asked highly excited, which earned her some cheers from everypony else in the train. Rainbow Dash was waiting for this day for a very long time so of course, she wanted everypony to feel as excited as she was to make this day even better.

Star Twinkle was listening to what she had to say as well. He actually was a little excited too. It really helped that he wasn't part of any team. There was no pressure on him at all. He could just sit back, do some cheering for his friends, and let everypony else do the important stuff. It's just the way he liked the best.

Twilight, who was sitting next to the stallion, listened to Rainbow Dash too. She was really happy for her to be part of the Equestria Games. "She really is excited about the games, isn't she?" She asked towards Star Twinkle.

"She sure is," Star Twinkle replied. "She was waiting for this day to come for a really long time after all," he added.

The two continued to listen to Rainbow Dash, who was still making sure to get everypony else excited in the train. "And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best, because we've all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold!" She said, causing her to receive a lot of cheers once more. "...With the possible exception of Bulk Biceps, Fluttershy, and me. I mean, we're good and all, but we're up against the Wonderbolts and the Storm Wings in the aerial relay, so gold's kind of a stretch. Let's not kid ourselves," she said, being surprisingly modest about her chances to win.

"That's a surprise," Star Twinkle said after that sudden behavior of the mare.

Hearing that, made Scootaloo walk up to her to cheer her up again. "Don't feel bad, Rainbow Dash! We have absolutely no shot at getting gold either!" She said, referring to herself, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who were on their way to the Equestria Games as well, to carry the flag of Ponyville.

But Rainbow Dash was well aware of their part in the Equestria Games and found Scootaloo's words a little confusion. "Uh, that's because you're carrying the flag for Ponyville in the opening ceremony. There are no winners," she pointed out.

"Winners or not, we still have the chance to be awesome!" Scootaloo said happily, to which her two friends agreed instantly.

"That's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash said happily while she rubbed Scootaloo's mane. "You hear that, everypony? Winners or not, we all still have the chance to be awesome!" She threw into the room, causing everypony to cheer once more. "But, uh, let's still try to win lots and lots of stuff too, 'kay?" She added briefly, showing her competitive side that Star Twinkle knew all too well.

"There we go," Star Twinkle said once he saw the behavior that he was used to.

The train shortly arrived at the station of the Crystal Empire. Everypony who was going to participate in the Equestria Games was already on their way to the stadium once they were setting hoof outside of the train.

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