24. A Day to remember

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Another day of work was over and Star Twinkle was happy that he could go home and relax. He was not planning to do something with his friends and just wanted to relax.

But of course, his relaxing day was interrupted quickly after he got home. Somepony was knocking on the door and Star Twinkle tried to think who it possibly could be. He opened the door and saw Scootaloo on her scooter and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom behind her inside of a cart that Scootaloo was pulling behind her.

"Get your stuff! We will get our Cutie Mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Of course, that's the one and the only reason why they would show up," thought Star Twinkle.

As always, he was not very excited to go on a Cutie Mark Hunt. It always feels like a waste of time for him.

"Well, actually, we wanted to ask Rainbow Dash how she got her Cutie Mark," Sweetie Belle corrected.

"Why?" Asked Star Twinkle boldly.

"Isn't it obvious? If we listen to her awesome story, how she got her Cutie Mark, it may inspire us and help us to find our special talent!" Scootaloo explained overly excited.

"Rainbow Dash's story how she got her Cutie Mark? Why would I want to know that?"

The only thing it would do is making Star Twinkle even more insecure about his blank flank.

"We wanted to ask other ponies how they got their Cutie Marks so that we can find out how we can get ours," Apple Bloom explained.

He never asked about how other ponies got their Cutie Marks and as a foal, he never saw how a pony got his Cutie Mark.
Most of the time they just showed up the next day exclaiming that they finally got it, usually making him think about himself. He was also imagining how his Cutie Mark would look like or what his destiny would be. But as soon as he realized that most ponies his age already got theirs years ago, he started to stop thinking about that.

First, he was telling himself that his blank flank was the reason why he never got any friends. But that was not true...
He imagined countless times how his life would be if he had a Cutie Mark.

If anything would have changed. If he would have gotten more friends by now. If he would do something else to earn his bits. If he would be happier...

Which all brought him back to the three fillies and why they wanted to know about Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark.

Suddenly Star Twinkle's expression changed completely and he had a deferment expression on his face.

"Alright, let's go!" Said Star Twinkle unusually excited, leaving the three fillies surprised but also excited. "But I also want to hear some other stories from some of my friends," he demanded.

"Yeah, whatever, but first Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo demanded.

He had the chance to talk about this topic with his new friends. Maybe if he finds out something about the Cutie Marks of his friends, then maybe he can understand how important a destiny is and why he is so insecure about his own destiny.
Maybe they were also lost before they got their Cutie Marks? Maybe everything changed after that. Just thinking about that was calming him down.

Moments later the Star Twinkle was also sitting down inside of the cart which was pulled by Scootaloo and her scooter.

As always when Star Twinkle was around the Crusaders, giggles could be heard from everywhere.

It probably looked really strange to see a full grown pony hanging around with three fillies. And if that wasn't the reason for their giggles then probably the look of a filly who was dragging him and two other fillies in a cart behind her.

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