84. Sister Pie

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If there is one thing that Star Twinkle really liked, then it was getting a good portion of sleep. So of course, not getting enough sleep can make him really grumpy.

Like today...

Star Twinkle, as well as the rest of his friends, were supposed to meet Pinkie Pie early in the morning in front of Sugarcube Corner. By the time where Star Twinkle arrived, he actually didn't really care anymore what Pinkie Pie wanted from them and just wished that whatever she wanted, wouldn't take too much time so that he could go home and get some sleep back.

The rest of his friends were not too excited about getting up this early either. Rainbow Dash, pretty much spoke out what everyone else was thinking at the very moment.

"I don't see what's so important we had to meet her here this early. Celestia hasn't even raised the sun yet!" Rainbow Dash complained while she pointed towards the horizon.

"Agreed..." Star Twinkle said, followed by a yawn. "I would have preferred if she could have met us a few hours later..." he added while he rubbed his eyes a little.

"Come to think of it, did somepony even saw her yesterday?" Applejack asked.

She was referring to how Pinkie Pie was probably home all day yesterday which could be the reason why nopony saw her since then. After realizing that, Twilight got a little worried and decided to knock on the door of Sugarcube Corner. "I hope everything's okay," she said with some concern while knocking on the door.

Immediately after, there were some loud noises coming from inside, as if something really big just fell over or something. This only caused the group to get even more worried but fortunately, Pinkie Pie then opened the door, wearing a chef's hat and some safety glasses. "Thank goodness you're all here!" She said, not even going into detail what that noise just now was. "There's no time to lose!" She then said before she dragged everypony inside without warning, much to the confusion of everypony.

When the group walked inside, or rather, was dragged inside, there were colorful little rocks scattered all over the ground. Not to mention that there were also huge piles of those rocks everywhere. To put it simply, the place was a huge mess that was most likely caused by Pinkie Pie.

"What is all this?" Twilight asked after she looked around the place.

Pinkie Pie quickly explained. "My sister Maud's gonna be here soon, and I need your help taste-testing my rock candy recipes!" She said.

Star Twinkle picked one of those rocks up and inspected it further. "Those are candies?" He asked before he tasted one of them. They were indeed candies. They were a little hard to chew but they were also sweet and tasty. This meant that Pinkie Pie must have spent the whole day yesterday to make candies, judging by how many candies were inside of the room.

But the number of candies was exactly what got some worried. "Uh, we're happy to help you, Pinkie Pie, but this seems like an awful lot of candy," Applejack said.

"Even for you," Rarity agreed.

After taking a look at all the candy in the room, Pinkie Pie quickly came to that conclusion as well. "I may have gone a teensy bit overboard," she said before she grinned in embarrassment.

But despite the amount of candy in the room, the others decided to help the mare out. Star Twinkle was actually looking forward to it. "We just have to eat candies? That doesn't sound too bad, right?" He asked towards the rest of his friends.

The others thought about it for a moment but they quickly came to the conclusion to help Pinkie Pie out with this and agreed to taste test the candies that Pinkie Pie made. Eating some candies shouldn't be much of a problem, is what everyone thought, so they quickly went to work and taste some of the candies that were already there while Pinkie Pie was already making some new ones.

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