80. The Music in you

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Tomorrow night, Ponyville was holding a fundraiser for the local Pet Center. The goal of this was to collect some money and to find a home for some pets so it was highly important to make this event a success. Star Twinkle and his friends were all helping with the preparations for that, except for Fluttershy who they were about to pick up right now. Knowing the animal-loving mare, she was probably aware of this event long before anypony else and was willing to help out too.

As Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie got closer to Fluttershy's cottage they all began to hear something.

"Hey! Do you hear that?" Twilight said, causing everypony who was not aware of it to peel his or her ears now too.

When Star Twinkle focused on it as well, he quickly figured out what it was. "Somepony is singing?" He said after he could clearly hear the sound of a singing mare in the distance.

The singing came from the other side of Fluttershy's cottage and the group was curious enough to check up on it. What they all saw was unsurprising, Fluttershy who was accompanied by some of her animal friends. They were practically praising and adoring Fluttershy because as it turns out, she was the one who was singing.

No one would probably say that it was obvious that the singing, that came from Fluttershy's cottage came from Fluttershy but they soon realized that no one of them ever heard her singing on her own so they were all listening and watching Fluttershy while she sang a beautiful song and took care of her animals at the same time. They all agreed that Fluttershy had a truly beautiful singing voice so they didn't interrupt her and kept listening.

After Fluttershy was done with her singing and taking care of her animals, she thanked her animal friends for cheering for so loudly. "Thank you so much. You're too kind," she said happily while blushing and smiling at their cheers.

But soon she would get even more praise and compliments because her friends were now approaching her, all of them having their mouths open in awe. However, as soon as Fluttershy spotted her friends, standing not too far away from her, her expression completely changed. She still seemed to blush but not in a grateful way but rather in an embarrassed one.

"Oh... You... um... you didn't hear me... um...singing?" She then asked nervously and embarrassed while she practically hid her face from everypony.

"Uh, yeah, we did!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"We totally heard you singing in the most beautiful voice ever!" Pinkie Pie added. She seemed to enjoy her song the most out of the group and wasn't hiding it at all.

"I've never heard you sing a solo like that before!" Twilight complimented.

"It was like a little slice of heaven," Applejack added.

The compliments just kept coming but the more praise Fluttershy received, the more she seemed to get nervous and embarrassed. Star Twinkle noticed that behavior but he couldn't quite figure out why she was acting that way. She didn't seem to have any problem singing in front of her animal friends before so it made no sense for him why she was now acting nervously.

But despite her being nervous or not, Rarity brought up something else that began to cross her mind. "Fluttershy, I cannot believe your spectacular voice isn't part of the Pony Tones quartet!" She said before she pulled out a promotional poster with those Pony Tones on it.

She was referring to a vocal quintet that she was part of. The Pony Tones were a singing ensemble in Ponyville, Rarity happened to be part of them, as well as Big McIntosh. They are probably the most famous music group in Ponyville and were known after performing in a lot of social events and charities that took place in this town. They were also performing tomorrow at the fundraiser.

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