63. A harsh welcome

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Star Twinkle and his friends were about to head to the Crystal Empire for a specific task that Princess Cadence asked of them. And since all of them were away, someone had to take care of their pets. Thankfully, Spike offered to take care of every single one of them so Star Twinkle and his friends dropped off their pets at the Golden Oak Library where Spike would take care of them while they were away. Before Twilight went outside, she talked one last time to Spike. "You absolutely sure you can do this?" Twilight asked before she walked outside of her library.

"Of course. Wouldn't have agreed to it if I couldn't. Piece of cake. Speaking of cake, I got a little something I need to attend to," Spike replied as he pulled out a cookbook and a chef hat, indicating that he was about to cook or bake something. It must have something to do with the gems that he was gathering from everypony in order to pay him for this taking care of all the pets thing.

"Yeah, like keeping an eye on a house full of critters," Twilight replied, remembering the little dragon of his task.

Spike seemed to get what Twilight was getting at. "Uh, yeah, uh, that was totally what I was talking about. Relax. Go to your welcoming thing in the Crystal Empire. Spike's got it all under control," he said before he closed the door so that Twilight could leave.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle waited a few steps away until Twilight was done. She did seem to worry about Spike taking care of the pets but since everypony was already a little late, they could not waste much time. "I'm sure Spike can handle it so don't worry," Star Twinkle said in order to remove Twilight's worries. It did seem to work and Twilight concentrated to go to the train station without worrying about Spike anymore. However, when Star Twinkle looked back at the library, he noticed how there was a lot of ruckus inside of it. Twilight didn't seem to hear it though so he just pretended he didn't hear or see anything and followed her before she decided to check on it.

Everypony was now at the train station, each of them wearing saddlebags on their backs for the trip. "Oh, this is gonna be a real treat. Princess Cadance said she'd never seen the Crystal Ponies so excited," Applejack said being a little excited herself.

"Duh! Of course they're excited," Rainbow Dash said. "They're up for the Equestria Games. It's only the biggest sporting event in all of Equestria," she explained, though one could have figured that out themselves judging from the name "Equestria Games".

"Didn't Cloudsdale host the Equestria Games one year?" Rarity asked.

"No. Cloudsdale should have hosted the games one year but in the end, they decided to hold them in Fillydelphia instead," Rainbow Dash explained while having a really depressed expression on her face just thinking about that. "These Crystal Ponies lost a thousand years to an evil king's curse. They've had enough bad news. No way we're letting them experience the pain of losing out on these games," she then added determined.

"That's surprisingly considerate of you..." Star Twinkle pointed out.

"What do you mean "surprisingly"?" Rainbow Dash replied offended.

But Twilight joined in before things could turn into a different direction. "Princess Cadance is counting on us to do our part to convince the Games Inspector to choose the Crystal Empire. And we are not gonna let her down. Are we?"

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie slid in the middle of the group. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed on top of her lungs, much to everyponies surprise. She eventually, noticed how everypony looked at her and explained. "What? I was just answering Twilight's question," she said casually.

"We should enter the train..." Star Twinkle suggested, causing everypony to nod in agreement before they all went inside of the train.

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