Chapter 4

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[ Lost Kings - Phone Down ft. Emily Warren ]


I will pay back and more worst my little sister.

That's the text that I received from Grayson not long after I left the house. I giggle when I read it because I know he just said that he's going to make it more worst but at the same time he won't because he loves me. I know that.

I put my phone away and walk into the coffee shop a few blocks from the company. I love the coffee here because it tastes just like Starbucks well not exactly the same but it nearly the same. I always wonder how they make the coffee taste different. I order my favorite drink which is hot white coffee. I just love the smell of the coffee and the taste of it. Then I walk back to my car and drive straight to my office.

As soon as I arrived at the office my phone and looks like I got another text from one of the boys and this time it's from Niall. I open it and want to laugh out loud.

My fiancé just laugh at me and said that I am a little psycho!

I didn't reply to his text because he might be furious at me more. So the best thing is just keeping my mouth shut for the rest of the day when I meet them.

Oh yeah. Speaking of my brother, I totally forgot that I need to tell Jack about all this. He will laugh at it too. I take my phone and call him. "I thought you didn't want to keep me update about what happened this morning." He said as soon as he picks up the call.

"Hehe, I'm so sorry I almost forgot. Well, let me tell you that our plan is... Completely successful!" I said.

"Hah! I knew it and this is because I'm in this too. That's why." Oh please, he's already full of himself.

"Erk If you didn't in this, I think it will be successful too."

"Oh so, you didn't want my help then next time."

"What no-no. I didn't say that duh."

"I know I know. Well, I will stop by at home to see three of them. Right now I have to go because I have a meeting right now. Bye Gia." I said bye too and hang up the call. I walk into the building and go straight to my room. I have lots of money to count today.


After a moment my office's door opens and it's my dad. "Hey, dad. Do you need anything from me?" I ask him.

"I need you in my office now." He said and walk away leaving me confused. Hmm, why he sounds so serious? I shrug my shoulders and take my phone before leaving my office and go to him.

I open the door to see him already waiting for me on the couch and I make my way to the couch after closing the door. I take my seat across him and look at him. "What's wrong? Did I do anything wrong?" I ask.

"No honey. Don't worry." He said and I take a breath of relief.

"Then why you need me here if I didn't do anything wrong and your face was deadly serious earlier."

"I have something quite important to discuss with you and I want you to accept it." I raised my eyebrows at him. "I know you love being an accountant here but I think it's time for you to change the position to the next one."

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