Chapter 8

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Today is the big day for Niall and I am super excited about today. My brother is getting married and that's mean, no more prank from Niall. One down and we will wait for the twins to get married too. Even though I'm happy that Niall about Niall's wedding, I am sure will miss him so much and the house will be quite different without him.

 I am standing in front of the big mirror and look at myself. I put some lipstick and yes I am done to go. I cannot wait to meet my beautiful sister-in-law. I humming some random sing while walking towards my parents who are busy preparing themselves to meet the guest. "You guys look amazing already," I said and smile. 

"Well, look at my daughter here. You look so beautiful, darling." My dad said and kiss the side of my head. 

"I know I am." I chuckle and then here come the twins looking so hot in those suits. I know women will eye raping because my brothers are good looking, of course. Just then, my phone vibrates and I smile after look at the screen. It's my best friend, Lauren. "Guys, Lauren's here, I'm going to greet her now," I said and walk away. I find my best friend and when I found her, I run towards her and hug her like there's no tomorrow. 

"Okay woman, let me go now, I can't breath." I let her go and grin at her. "You look so stunning, Gia. Let's go get yourself a boyfriend right away." 

"No thanks, I'm good on my own now," I said.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife," After we all heard the priest said, we all clap our hands and I just cannot stop smiling because I cannot believe Niall is a married man now. He looks super happy and of course my beautiful sister-law. They look just perfect.

Now, we on our way to the wedding reception. I am so excited to eat the food there, I am starving right now.

After we arrived, I walk straight to the food section and fill up my plate. I look around to see if there's an empty chair. I do want to join Lauren but she just too busy with her boyfriend, so I decided not to go to them. I take a sit and start to eat my food. This food is so delicious, I really love it. "Hey, there Lil sis, whatcha doin' here alone?" and here goes my precious moment when these two decide to show off.

"I am fishing here didn't you see? I catch lots of big fish." I said and they take a seat next to me and I am now in the middle.

"You know what, I do want you to get that big fish but you just going to end up breaking your own heart. So you better not catching any fish today or else we will beat his ass." Brandon said and steal one of my cupcakes.

"Hey! that's mine!" I said and he just shoves it into his mouth. I look at him disbelief and huff in annoyance.

"There's still lots of em'. You can go take it again." Grayson said and take one too.

"You know what, here you go. Eat all of it and also eat the plate too. I'm going to get a new one, and don't ever follow me." I stand up and walk away from them. I am hungry and they just steal my food. I walk to the food section again and this time I just eat there. I take the dessert and eat them and after a few minutes, I finally feel quite full. So, I take a glass of champagne and take a sip of it and walking to Grayson and Brandon again because I am bored and they can at least talk to me. On my way, I look at my phone to reply to some of the texts from Lauren. Just then, I hit a tall wall which I didn't even realize was there until now. "Ouch!" I said and my drink spill on my beautiful dress. I look up and see a man standing there doing nothing but looking at me with a blank face. "Are you just going to stare at me like you did nothing wrong, Mr?" I ask him.

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