Chapter 5

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 [ Edward Mante - Level ]

Gia Florence

I am now having breakfast with my one and only best friend, Laure Harte. "It's been a while since we last hang out together. I know that you now a hotel's owner but at least give me a call or something. At least I know that you're still alive." I smile at her but didn't say anything. "Hey woman, I'm talking to you. Can you at least reply with a 'hm' or whatever? We didn't meet for a few weeks, I don't know that you have gone mute."

"I'm not mute, Laura. It's just I am tired of work. I need to go somewhere that I can forget everything here and peace my mind." I sigh and take a sip of my coffee.

"What do you mean by you want to peace your mind?"

"You know, these past few days, lots of things happened. I just need to rest and Jack also said that I need to go for a vacation at least for a week do that I can release my tension."

"Huh? Wait up, what's wrong? What happened yo you?"

"I broke up with him two days ago and now he's engaged and you know what's more stupid? I went there, to his engagement party and he looks so happy with that woman. I cannot believe he did this to me. I still cannot believe I went there to see his happiness. I just break my heart more. The worst part is that I even went and congrats him and his fiancee. What a stupid move. I shouldn't go there at all. Stupid." I take a deep breath after I let all out to her. I look at her and she looks completely lost and confused. Then I remember that she didn't know about my status right now. 

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"I broke up with him two days ago," I tell her.

"WHAT?! Are you kidding me right now? I cannot believe this. This is your ninth boyfriend and I thought he was the one but I was wrong. He also one of the jerks. Oh gosh, I am so angry right now. Why you didn't tell me this after he wants to break up with you? You should tell me that time so that I can kick him at his ball and tell him that no ones even want him with that stupid face. Did he think he is handsome enough to break my gorgeous best friend? Not at all. He doesn't deserve. What a dickhead. He left you just because he wants to engage. Wow. He unbelievable." I look at Laura who really mad right now. Her face is red right now.

"Calm down, woman. I try to move on from him right now. That's why I thought I should o for a vacation. I need to move on as soon as possible."

"I will support you but I am so sorry I can't accompany you. I already promise my man that I will meet him this Friday."

"You will go to Sydney?" She nods her head happily. "I want to have your life. Can I?"

"Chill Gia. You will find the very right man but maybe not in this short time. Maybe in a few years. I will pray for you. I love you, Gia. I want my best friend happy and have kids with her prince charming. I can't wait for that day to come. Now, eat your food or else I will take all of it. Oh, one more thing, don't ever think about him at all. I even forgot his name already." Just when I want to tell her his name he put her hand to my mouth. Preventing me from telling her. "You shouldn't mention that jerk name anymore. Delete from your mind right now. I want today, will be happy and just happy. No more jerk." I laugh at her looking her making a stupid joke makes me happy to have her by my side. She is my happy pill. I continue to eat my food.


At Home

"BRANDON! GRAYSON!" I shouted their name makes my mom come running to my room. 

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