Chapter 27

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All the feelings that I am feeling right now. It's been a few days since my and Lucas's fight. I think my relationship is not going to be like I want. I thought he is the one but I was wrong. He still loves his ex-fiancee. I should know all this since the beginning so that I won't get hurt. I was to dumb to realize that he still has feelings for Elizabeth. No matter what, she is his first love and It's won't be easy to forget the first love. He used me to make him realize that he actually has feelings for her. I hate him and I hate her. I hate both!

No wonder he gives her a job in his company. So that he can meet her every day and he doesn't have to look like he wants to meet her. The night when he kissed me, also the night where he went to that woman's house and even spend the night. I can't believe that he actually did all that to me. He said he wants to make a new start with me but it's all a lie. I told Jack and he is shocked too about what Lucas did to me. I don't want to meet him and will never want to meet him. We're both done and now it's really done. I thought he will come back to me the day after that but I was wrong. He really didn't come and I was waiting for him like a dumb person. I can't handle this. My mom is still in a coma and now my relationship with Lucas is over. I never want my life to be like this. 

I hate my life.

Why there's so much thing happened in once? I couldn't face it all at one time. I am not a strong woman like I used to be. 

For now, I'm just going to focus on my mom's condition and I don't want to think about him anymore. I sigh and lean back to my chair. This is making me stressed out. I close my eyes to let my mind rest for a minute but then, I heard a knock on the door. "Yes," I said and the door open shows Niall and his wife. "Hey," I said and stand up to give her a hug. "What's to bring you here?" I ask looking at them both. 

"I heard from Niall that you and..." She looks at me to see if I'm okay if she mentions Lucas's name. "Well, you know, I am here too. Niall thought it would be best if we hang out together and forget all of it. What says you," I love hanging out with her and I think why not. I nod my head and smile at her. 

"Niall, I can't believe you actually care about me," I tease him and he stuck his tongue to me. 

"I am going to be a dad soon, so I have to be more mature now," He said rubbing his wife's belly. She's already 4 months pregnant and I can' wait to meet my new niece or nephew soon. I smile looking at them and how envy I am right now to see how happy they are.


That night

After I had dinner with Niall's wife, she went home because she feels so tired. I know being pregnant can be super exhausting sometimes. So, I bid goodbye at her and now here I am walking alone in New York City. I love how the wind hit my face and the chilly weather at night. It's refreshing and makes me feel calm for some reason. I decided to go to my favorite park which is not too far from my house. I park my car and get out from the car. It hits me when this is the place where me and Lucas second encounter. All the memories hit me and I feel it's too hard to handle. Even though it's only two months that we're in a relationship, we already make quite lots of memories together and that's hard for me to forget it all at once even how much I tried. 

I feel the tears coming out from my eyes and I let them be. I let the tears rolling down my cheeks. I don't want to keep it to myself anymore. I want to let it out all. "Why is it so hard for me to be happy? WHY?!" I shouted and luckily there's no one here so that I can shout as much as I want. I cried so hard and I think this is the most heartbreaking relationship for me. "I just want to be happy that's all but why everything turned out to be the opposite way?" I said and cried my heart out. "I can't take it anymore, I can't!"

"Gia?" I look up and see it's Lucas. I stand up and take my bag to leave because I don't want to see his face at all. He is the same with all men that I've been with and nothing special about at all. I walk passed him but then he grabs my wrist and makes me stop. "Stop, I think we need to talk," He said and I turn to look at him like this is such a joke. 

"Is there anything that we can talk about? huh? You choose your life now and I think I should too. There's nothing we can do about it, I'm not a type who you can take and throw whenever you want," I said to him. 

"Gia, listen to me, I really don't get it why you act that way that day and the fact that you went out with another guy makes me feel betrayed. I just want you to explain what is happening to me, that's it," He said and I look at him disbelief when he thought I cheated on him. I can't believe this.

"You know what, I don't want to talk to you anymore and the fact that you said that I am cheating on you, that is not acceptable at all! I never ever have any man by my side except you, my brothers and my dad. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I AM CHEATED ON YOU WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON ME!" I shouted at him. "You want this relationship ends and I think that's for the best. I hope you have the best life after this." I said and walk away from him with the tears coming out from my eyes non-stop. Call me emotional or whatever cause I am emotional. I keep failing in a relationship and I hate it. I drive home.



I hope you have the best life after this

Gia's voice keeps replaying in my mind and it's bothering me. I never want all this to happen but why she keeps saying I lie to her. I know something is not right here and I'm not stupid to let this problem just like this. I want it to be settle as soon as possible but first, I need to find where all this started. I need to investigate it and make it up with Gia again. My feeling towards her is so strong right now and I think I can't live without her right now. I need her by my side. She is my mood booster and my source of happiness. 

I look again at the picture that I got a few days ago and look at it. That woman is Gia for sure but I can't recognize that guy face. It's a blur but he looks somewhat familiar. I close my phone and lay on the bed. I try to get some sleep but then my phone ringing. 

Ugh, I forgot to silent it.

I take it and look at the caller. It's Eli. "Hm," 

"Lucas, sorry to disturb you but can you pick me up to tomorrow? My ankle is not feeling better yet and I can't drive because I'm scared if anything happens." As much as I want to say no, she is a mother who has a child and if anything happens to her, her son will be an orphan and I don't want that to happen. "Lucas?" She calls me.

"I will send my driver to pick you up tomorrow," I said.

"Thanks, and good night to you," She said and I hang up the phone. I don't know if she trying to get me back with her different behavior or she really changed and want to be just a friend. She looks like she already moved on from the past and ready to live her life. I hope that's true because I don't have any feelings for her at all right now. My heart is locked for Gia Florence right now and that's a real feeling.


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Much Love from me

Little munchkins 

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